

Debris Cleanup


Ikuren contains 41 acres and wasthe site of a photo station and
Umbrella event of
scientific instrumentation during the test era. The
north of
Operation Hardtack I was detonated 150 feet under water I.4 miles

ine western tip of the island. Vegetation was dense. There were some

derelict marine craft on the lagoon side as well as a large quantity of
miscellaneous wood, metal, and concrete debris scattered over theisland.

An estimated 975 cubic yards of debris required removal, all
noncontaminated; 23 Master Index items were identified. The planned use

for [kuren was food gathering. !!2

Debris cleanup began on 30 August 1978 and ended on 22 September

1978. A total of 908 cubic yards of debris was removed. !13

Bokandretok hasan area of less than | acre and contained a navigational

beacon, generator, transmitter, and two-man accommodations from which

debris remained. Vegetation was dense, particularly on the oceanside.
There were estimated to be 34 cubic yardsof debris, all noncontaminated,
including seven Master Index items. The planned use for Bokandretok was

food gathering.!!4 Ten cubic yards of debris were actually removed on 9
October 1978.1!5

Medren contains 220 acres and was used during the test era as the
headquarters of the scientific community which, at its peak, numbered


about 3,000 people (Figure 5-31). Vegetation was abundant, although not
as dense as on someofthe other islands. It was from the supportfacilities

that most of the debris and scrap had accumulated. Hazardous debris
included large numbersof concrete blocks, buildings and slabs, towers and
posts, pier and dockfacilities, and much miscellaneous wood, metal, and
concrete debris. None of this debris was contaminated. It was estimated
that 58,206 cubic yards of debris required disposition, including 312 Master
Index items. Ofall the noncontaminated concrete rubble and metal debris
found on the entire atoll, nearly half was found on Medren alone. The

planned use for Medren wasresidence.!16

Debris cleanup by the JTG began on 15 February 1978 and was
completed 2 years later in February 1980. To make room for the DOI/
TTPIrehabilitation effort, the center portion of the island was cleared on a

Select target paragraph3