

Boken contains 29 acres and was used for measurements of
temperature, humidity, and changes in water level during Operation
Hardtack I. Vegetation was dense. Debris included derelict marine craft
and miscellaneous metal debris. There were an estimated161 cubic yards of
noncontaminated debris, and five Master Index items wereidentified. The

planned use for Boken wasfood gathering. !06

Debris cleanup began on 19 July 1978 and was completed on |

September 1978. The volume of debris actually removed was 270 cubic
yards. 107
Ribewon hasan area of 19 acres and was used for wave, temperature,
humidity, and water level recordings during Operation Hardtack I. The

Wahoo event of Operation Hardtack I was detonated 500 feet underwater,

1.4 miles south of Ribewon. Vegetation was dense. Debris included the
remains of three marine craft and a large pile of debris. There were
estimated to be 156 cubic yards of debris, none of it contaminated,
including four Master Index items. The planned use for Ribewon was food

gathering. !08

Debris cleanup began on 26 July 1978 and was completed on 25 August

1978. A total of 254 cubic yards of debris was removed. !09

Mut has an area of 40 acres and was used as a rocket station for air blast
measurementsas well as a camera station. Otherscientific instrumentation
was located on or near the island. Vegetation was dense. Debris included
derelict marine craft plus a moderate amount of miscellaneous wood,
metal, and concrete rubble. It was estimated that 199 cubic yards of debris,
all noncontaminated, required removal. Sixteen Master Index items were

identified. The planned use for Mut was food gathering. !!0
Debris cleanup began on 8 August 1978 and was completed on 8

September 1978. Two hundred and fifteen cubic yards of debris were

removed. !!1

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