
Debris cleanup began on 5 April 1978 and was completed on 16 June

1978. There were 1,073 cubic yards of noncontaminated debris removed 42

Kidrinen consists of 20 acres. It was used for biomedical studies ang
sampling during Operation Greenhouse and for some instrumentation

during Operations Ivy and Hardtack I. No test events were detonated here.
Vegetation was dense except at the southern end. Hazardous debris
included concrete blocks, slabs, and shelters, as well as miscellaneous
concrete, brick, wood, and metal rubble. There were an estimated 61 cubic
yards of debris to be removed, all noncontaminated, and 18 Master Index
items. The planned use for Kidrinen was food gathering.43
Debris cleanup began on 5 April 1978 and ended on 16 June 1978. There

were 257 cubic yards of noncontaminated debris removed.44

Louj contains 21 acres and was not used to any great extent during the
test era. Vegetation was sparse on the lagoon side, dense on the oceanside.

Louj had no ground zeroes and wasrelatively free of debris from nuclear

testing. Only a small pipe used as a station in the Ivy operation, as well as
other miscellaneous pipes, remained. The planned use for Louj was food


Debris cleanup began on 26 April 1978 and was completed on |S May
1978. Five cubic yards of noncontaminated debris were removed. There

was no contaminated debris.46

Bokinwotmeislittle more than a sandbar with an area of somethingless
than 10 acres. It was not used during the test era for scientific purposes.
Vegetation was sparse. Comparison with 1952 maps and photos showed
that the island underwent great physical change but not as a direct result of
a nuclear event. The changes apparently resulted from alterations created

by the removal of Elugelab (Flora) by the Mike event. There were no

structures, contaminated or noncontaminatedscrap, or burial sites on the

island. The planned use for Bokinwotme was food gathering.4’ The island

was accepted as clean of debris on 15 May 1978.48

Select target paragraph3