Debris Cleanup


surface contamination resulted from fallout from nearbytests. Vegetation,

consisting of brush interspersed with patches of heavy grass, was denser

and taller on the west side. Hazardousdebris included a derelict landing
craft, reinforced concrete structures, a plywood shack, and miscellaneous
scrap. There were an estimated 10 cubic yards of contaminated debris and

436 cubic yards of noncontaminated debris to be removed, and [4 Master

Index items, of which 9 were planned for removal. Planned use for

Bokoluo was food gathering.34
Debris survey by the FRST was conducted from 24 January through 10

February 1978. The majority of the debris bore no significant

contamination and was markedfor lagoon disposal. Cleanup began on 10
February 1978.35 Several concrete structures were removed by explosive

demolition in March 1978,36 and debris removal was completed on 14

June 1978.37 There were 1,575 cubic yards of noncontaminated debris and

nine Master Index items removed.38

Bokombako contains 31 acres and was the site of a few scientific test
stations used in Operation Greenhouse. [t never served as an event site.
Vegetation generally was quite dense, but thinned out toward the
northeast end of the island. Only a small amount of debris was found,
including a cased well and a grade beam from signal terminal station.
There were an estimated 6 cubic yards of noncontaminated debris to be
removed and nine Master Index items. No contaminated debris was
found. The planned use for Bokombakowasfood gathering.3?
Debris cleanup began on $5 March 1978 and was completed on 9 June
1978. Twenty-eight cubic yards of noncontaminated debris were


Mijikadrek has an area of 16 acres and was used extensively during
Operation Greenhouse for photographic coverage andfor structural effects
testing. There were no ground zeroeson the island and no known burial

sites. Vegetation ranged from moderately dense in the south to dense in

the central and extreme northern portions. Debris included a considerable
amount of brick and concrete rubble, several concrete slabs and
structures, and miscellaneous metal scrap. There were an estimated 1,049
cubic yards of debris to be removed, all noncontaminated, and 28 Master

Index items. The planned use for Mijikadrek was food gathering.*!

Select target paragraph3