Radiation Safety and Cleanup Preparations

priority which lacked the full consideration of all of the intera

By 15 November 1977, contaminated debris surveys in preparatio

cleanup were complete on Enjebi, Lujor, and Boken, andinitial

surveys had been madeon those islands. Theinitial FRST surveys o

Aomon crypts had been made, to the extent available equipr
permitted. Heavy seas, wind, and rain in recent weeks had delayed s
operations, however, the JTG wasprepared to begin cleanup operatior

On 15 November1977, BG Tate conducted an opening ceremonyfo.
cleanup phase on Lujor. One-half cubic yard of pipe and angle iron (M:

Index No. 3ll) was monitored by the FRST and foundto besafe

disposal in the lagoon. The USAE loaded the debris on a dump t

which was then loaded on a landing craft. The USNEpiloted the lan
craft to Dump Site Bravo wherethe debris was droppedin the lagoon.’
During this visit, BG Tate reviewed the status of the project, inspe
ongoing operations, discussed problems, and directed that actio:

initiated to develop plans for the Demobilization Phase. Demobiliz:
was not covered in the OPLAN.

Two unfortunate events marred the opening week of cle
operations. The Harbor Clearance Unit was engaged in cutting the

pilings of the Medren pier using underwater explosives. The oper:
proceeded without mishap until the night of 17 November 1977, whet
wooden decking of the pier caught fire. The fire was probably caused

hot fragment, thrown during that day’s demolitions, which lodgedir

wood of the pier and smoldered for hours before igniting the dec.

Before the fire was extinguished, approximately 60 percent of the wor
portion of the pier was destroyed. Fortunately, most of the destr

material was not plannedto be used in rehabilitation ofthe pier. 72

The night of BG Tate’s departure, the secondfatality of the pr
occurred. Private Vincent Holmes, USA, collapsed while pla
hisketball and was taken to the Enewetak Clinic, where he died of ca

actest. The aircraft carrying BG Tate’s group returned to Enewetak

next morning from Kwajalein Missile Range to carry the remair
Hickam AFB. Memorial services were held at the Enewetak Base


on 20 November 1977.73

es¢ were only the beginning of a series of unfortunate events.
had scarcely begun before it was interrupted by two severesto

Select target paragraph3