Shortly after their arrival on 12 October 1977, the Navy Water Beach

Cleanup Team began demolition test shots on one of their major
objectives, the steel outer pilings of the Medren pier. The inner pilings
were sound enough to be used in reconstruction of the pier by the TTP]
Rehabilitation Program contractors. However, the outer pilings were in
poor condition and had to be removed by explosive cutting as nearto the
lagoon bottom as possible.
On 29 October 1977, the Army and Navy Elements began test of the
causeway pier-barge transportation concept. At near high tide, a two.
causeway pier was inserted against the beach on Enewetak Island, using
two Armybulldozers as deadmen. A YC barge was docked perpendicular
to the pier, and a transition ramp was placed betweenthe barge andpier. A
loaded, all-wheel-drive, 5-ton dump truck was driven from the beach,
across the pier, up the ramp, and onto the barge with relative ease. Tests
with a 20-ton dump truck were halted when its radiator was damaged

during an attemptto drive ontothe pier.®>

That same day, the FRST and USAEbegan clearing brush from the
causeway between Aomonand Bijire (Tilda) where the Aomon burial
crypt was located. Magnetometersurveys of the area gave several positive
readings, indicating buried metal. Excavations made during the following
week confirmed these readings by revealing contaminated metal debris.
The high water table in the causeway precluded excavations below 6
With the beginning of the Cleanup Phase (15 November 1977) fast
approaching, and with BG Tate’s direction to shift the priority from Enjebi
to Lujor, Boken, Aomon and Runit, the JTG developed a revised plan in
October 1977 to begin simultaneous debris and soil cleanup first on Lujor,
then on Boken, then on Aomon, and otherislands. In conjunction with
these operations, debris was to be removed from several smaller islands
where there was no contaminated soil, such as Taiwel (Percy) and

Bokenelab (Mary).68 CJTG forwarded the plans and schedule to Field
Command and began preparations to implement them on 1S November

1977.69 It was assumed by CJTG that the soil cleanup criteria for Lujor,

Boken, and Aomon would be firmly established by the beginning of the
Cleanup Phase. However, developments at the Washington levelrelative
to the application of Federal guidelines and soil removal criteria were
generating challenges to the cleanup concept (discussed in Chapter 6), and
the Director, DNA directed Commander, Field Command to hold the
execution of soil cleanup in abeyance. He was determined thatscarce soil
cleanup resources would not be squanderedcleaning islands in an order of

Select target paragraph3