

Radiation Safety and Cleanup Preparations


Channel clearance operations commenced on 15 September 1977 when

u.s. Navy Underwater Demolition Team Eleven (UDT Eleven) cleared

the approaches to Ananij (Bruce), Aomon and Lujor by chain dragging.
Later that week, explosives were used to complete clearance of the beach

approach to Ananij andto clear a channel into Runit (Figure 4-12).59

On 21 September 1977, UDT Eleven established a temporary camp at
Enjebi and proceeded to complete the channel clearance mission in the
northern half of the atoll, including channels into Enjebi, Bokoluo (Alice),

and Louj (Daisy). They returned to Enewetak Camp 4 days later and
completed their work in the southernislands.

UDT Eleven completed an estimated 45 to 60 days channel clearance
and demolition workin 16 days. They used 41,400 pounds of explosivesin
nine separate demolition operations to improve channels and access to
landing beaches on fourislands, and they employed chain drag procedures
to clear obstacles from eight channels. In addition to completing all tasks
assigned in the OPLAN, the team placed marker buoys on ten landing
beach approaches, resurveyed four channels after explosive clearance
operations, andleft a wealth of lagoon and channel information for use by

the JTG.60.61

A week after the channel into Lujor was cleared, it was put to use. On 22

September 1977, several members of the FRST were diverted from the

debris survey of Enjebi to begin the radiological survey and
characterization of Lujor. By then, additional in situ vans had arrived so

that the ERSP was able to begin the characterization of Lujor while

continuing the Enjebi soil survey, although at a slower pace than originally


Select target paragraph3