


semiannual sampling and reporting of radiation in fish and wildlife, ang
Field Commandobjected to this condition on numerousgrounds. 99

In formulating the crater containment permit, a standard provision was

included by the Corps of Engineers which would have required DNA to

maintain the structure in good condition indefinitely. (The genera,

rationale for this position was: Cactus Crater presently exists on the
northern end of Runit Island; Cactus Crater extends below the water
table, thus it is filled with water, since Cactus Crateris filled with water,
even thoughit is located partially on the reef, the probability exists for
migration ofits water to and from the lagoon duetotidalaction, thereby
making it subject to the laws governing the introduction of materials into
navigable waterways, a plan to fill Cactus Crater with a concrete slurry
mixture equates to building a structure on a navigable waterway; the
standardprovision requires that anyonebuilding a structure on a navigable
waterway must commit themselves in writing to perpetual maintenance of
the structure.) DNA objected to this provision as being inappropriate and
pointed out that it was directly contrary to all U.S. commitments, directly
contrary to the national-level decisions madeafter 3 years of debate, and in

violation of Congressional guidance. Agreement was reached eventually
that DNA would maintain the structure until the project was complete,

and thereafter would assure that periodic monitoring of the site was
accomplished by some Federal agency until the United States terminated

its trusteeship responsibilities. !90

Resolution ofall these issues took an inordinate amountoftime, andit
began to appearthat either the permits would have to be ignored or the
absence of permits was going to halt work on the project. The channel

clearance permit was finally issued on 31 August 1977, 2 weeks before
blasting began.!9! The lagoon disposal permit was issued on 3 November

1977.102 The crater containment permit was not issued until 9 November
1977, the week before the Mobilization Phase officially ended and the

CleanupPhase began. !93

Most military personnel were replaced after serving 4-6 months TDY at

Enewetak. Replacement of the personnel who arrived in May and June

1977 began in October 1977, and the turnover in Novemberwas near-total.

Over 400 personnel were replaced in that month in an exchange termed
Operation Switch.It required extensive planning and close coordination by

the JTG, the Service Elements, and Field Command’s Pacific Support
Office, which scheduled the airlift and coordinated Operation Switch
actions in Honolulu.

Select target paragraph3