


Originally, the first CJTG was to have been Colonel Howard g.

Thompson, USA, who had been in charge of Field Command’s planning

office in Hawaii for the previous 2-1/2 years. However, because his 3-year
assignment to Field Command was almost completed before the project
was funded and mobilized, the assignment fell to Colonel EdgarJ. Mixan,
USA. He assumed command on 17 May 1977 and activated the JTG.

Lieutenant Colonel Charles W. Focht, USA, and CPT Day, from the Fiejg
Command Hawaii Office, arrived in the advance party to serve as Chief,

Engineering Division (J-3), and Chief, Radiation Control Division (J-2)_

respectively. Other JTG headquarters staff members in the advanceparty
included Major Gerald G. Garner, USA, Chief, Administration Division

(J-1) and Captain Randolph A. Flint, USA, Morale and Welfare Officer.45
The advance party included membersof the Air Force Medical, Postal,
and Petroleum, Oil, and Lubricants (POL) Teams. The H&Nfirst aig

Station in Barracks 462 was used as a dispensary until a larger facility was
completed. The POL Team remodeled an abandonedfacility into an office
and fuels laboratory and serviced the fuel trucks and trailers which had

been delivered onthefirst sealift (Figure 3-6). APO 96333 was opened by
the Air Force Postal Team on 6 June 1977.

The largest contingent of the advance party was the USAEofone
general construction platoon, supported by a skeleton staff and

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