



The Logistics Working Group used the 29 April 1977 OPLAN
Resolution Conferenceto further refine plans for offload of the American
Racer and implementation of shallow-draft barge service to Enewetak

Atoll. It was agreed that H&N-PTD would offload Navy-operated landing
craft at the beach, that the Racer’s crew would operate its winches, and
that the Army would provide oneofficer and 19 enlisted men from Fort
Eustis, Virginia, to offload the ship.49 The conferees also formally
requested the Commander, MSC to provide shallow-draft barge service

between Pearl Harbor, Johnston Atoll, and Enewetak Atoll.4!

On 3 May 1977, six enlisted personnel from U.S. Navy Assault Craft

Unit ONE (ACU-ONE)arrived at Enewetak Atoll to receive and put in

service the first incrementof landing craft which were to be delivered on 7
May1977 by a Navy task groupreturning to the U.S. from Naha, Okinawa.
The convoy consisted of the USS MONTICELLO, the USS

VANCOUVER, and the USS SAN BERNARDINO. They delivered one
landing craft, utility (LCU), three LCM-8s, one warping tug, three 90-foot
causeway sections, and other equipment?totaling 4,493 measurement
tons. The craft were promptly inspected and serviced by the ACU-ONE
team. Sea trials of the LCM-8s were conducted during the next, week, and

they were put into service for lightering and support of Lojwa Camp

Anotherearly arrival was the Air Force airfield team, which landed on 10

May 1977. It was operational by 15 May 1977 when the next C-S aircraft

arrived at Enewetak and offloaded four UH-1 helicopters and other critical

Army equipment. Maintenanceandflight crew members accompanied the
helicopters to prepare them for use. The Air Force communications
installation team and their equipment redeployed to Yokota, Japan, on the
same aircraft.43 On the same day, the petroleum supply ship, USNS

RINCON,delivered fuel! to top off the diesel, gasoline, and aviation fuel

(JP-4) storage tanks.44

On 17 May 1977, an advanceparty consisting of the Commander, JTG

(CJTG), the base camp construction forces, and the support teams

arrived. By the original CONPLAN, their arrival was to be the event
signalling D-Day—the first deployment of camp construction forces.
Under the OPLAN, D-Day wasestablished as 15 June 1977.

Select target paragraph3