

Operations Office. HQ DNA sent four representatives. Holmes & Narver’

home office and its Pacific Test Division were both represented. The

conference considered overall concepts and policies and identifieg

potential problem areas which were resolved or assigned to specific
representatives for action. While this conference was primarily an
orientation and introduction for the second OPLAN conference, there

were several significant results:3!4

a, ERDA-NYVstated that the in situ vans would not be available for
shipment until August 1977, and the Radiological Laboratory would

not be available until October 1977. They agreed, however, to review

their schedule since it was not responsive to the planned D-Dayof|5
June 1977.
b. Navy representatives identified a source of nonreimbursable sealift

for mobilization and resupply—~COMNAVSURFPAC ships

traversing the Pacific on semiannual deployments which could
provide space for heavy equipment andothercargo.
c. Navy representatives advised that the Boat Transportation Team
could support other on-atoll tenant requirements for inter-island
transportation, within reason.
d. Although CONPLAN1-76 encouraged a l-year, unaccompaniedtour,
the Services planned to use 4- to 6-month TDY tours, which they
would fund, in order to avert the costs of moving families.

The second OPLAN development conference was held at Enewetak
Atoll from 21 February [977 through 9 March 1977. The location had two

advantages. [t permitted conferees to become familiar with the field of

operations,andit isolated them from distractions so that a great amountof

work was accomplished in a short time. The conference had three principal

a. Developmentof a draft OPLAN.
b. Identification of personnel and materiel requirements for
mobilization, so that these could be requisitioned on priority basis.

c. Development of an operational schedule, to include firmly

establishing D-Day (the beginning of camp construction and

radiological surveys).

Under the direction of BG Lacy, the same Field Commandtriumvirate

chairmen and working group organization employed in Albuquerque were

used at Enewetak. A total of 120 representatives from the Services, other
government agencies, and various contractors participated in the
conference and the concurrent surveys.

Select target paragraph3