Planning and Programming


p as
CONPLAN |-76 was based on the EIS Case 3 radiological cleanu

approved by Congress and the JCS.3!! That planstill had to be modified
somewhat in subsequent planning actions, however.

Field Command OPLAN 600-77 wasessentially an expansion of the 15

September1976 Field Command CONPLAN 1-76, however, it could not
be developed until MILCON funds had been appropriated and the Military

Services had been formally tasked to support the project. Beginning in
August 1976, Field Commandbeganpreparations to develop the OPLAN.

The Plans and Operations Director, Colonel John V. Hemler, Jr., USA,

assumed responsibility for preparing the plan. In actual practice, COL

Schaefer, and COL Thompson, (both of the Logistics Directorate), who
had finalized the CONPLANSs, served with COL Hemlerastri-chairmen in
presiding over the OPLAN development conferences. To develop the
individual annexes of the OPLAN, functional working groups were

established, each chaired by a Field Commandstaff official, including:3}2
Operations Group - LCDR R.F. Walters, USN
Radiological Subgroup - LTC M. L. Sanches, USA
Logistics Group - Mr. D. L. Wilson
Comptroller Group - LTC M. J. Worrick, USAF
Manpower Group - CPT L. C. Dudley, USAF

Communications Group - LTC R. H. Ludwig, USAF

On 10 September 1976, the Secretary of Defense had requested the JCS
to task the Services for project support. It had been hoped thatthe first

OPLAN development conference could be held later that month.

However, it was 24 January 1977 before the JCS provided formal
tasking.3!3 Therefore, the first conference had to be postponed several
times and finally began on 3 February 1977 in Albuquerque. The Army
representatives still had not received their tasking when the first
conference began.

At the first OPLAN development conference, conferees came from the
Service headquarters in Washington andtheir action-level commands; i.e.,
Army Forces Command, Commander Naval Surface Forces, Pacific

(COMNAVSURFPAC), and Pacific Air Forces (PACAF). ERDA

representatives came from their Washington headquarters and the Nevada


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