
Planning and Programming


"pacific Test Division (H&N-PTD), was to operate and maintain t
Enewetak base camp andfurnish other contract services,257

Logistics support policy was based on maximum utilization of Milita

services’ equipment, supplies, subsistence, and transportation which h

been funded by the services for normal operations. Existing Governme
logistics sources and systems would be used for supply, maintenance, a!

transportation when possible. Military Ocean Terminals at Oaklan

California, and Honolulu, Hawaii, would serve as the primary surfa

shipping points, while Travis AFB, California, and Hickam AFB, Hawa

would be the primary air terminals. H&N maintained logistics suppc
offices at or near those locations to expedite acquisition, packing, al

shipmentof material.258

The Army memberof the Joint Staff proposed that the CONPLA
provide for the use of MILCON fundsto cover FY 1977-1978 costs fully,
necessary, to minimize impact on Service programsin the early years. Tl
CONPLANcould then allow the Services to reprogram for the remainit

costs in FY 1979. LTG Johnson pointed out that this would violate tl
language and intent of Congress, both by reimbursing the Services f
costs which they already had programmed for troop support and |

programming additional Service funds in FY 1979 solely for the Enewet:

project.259 The Joint Staff persisted in adding this provision; however,
was never implemented because the Services were able to support tl
project in the early years from programmed funds. The Army member
the Joint Staff also proposed that the final Operations Plan (OPLAN)|
forwarded to the JCS for approval. DNA objected that this would infrin;
on the Director’s authority as DOD Project Manager for the cleant
project and would unnecessarily involve the JCS in operational! details
the execution of concepts approved by the JCS in its review of tl

CONPLAN.The JCS concurred with DNA and concentrated on revie
and approval of the CONPLAN.260,261
Now,all that was needed to produce a complete OPLAN were t!
technical and operational details which only the Military Services and t!
other federal agencies could provide. Until formal JCS tasking w
received, Army activities could only coordinate informally with DN
officials to determine the status of planning efforts. Meanwhile, the oth
agencies, including the Air Force, the Navy, and the dri-Enewet
themselves, were conducting surveys and refining plans for the clean’

In September 1976, the dri-Enewetak Planning Council, iroijs, a1
respected elders returnedto the atoll to participate in field surveys and

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