mission integrity. Actual cleanup work was assigned to the Army Engin
Units and the Navy Harbor Clearance Units (later known as Water-Beat
Cleanup Teams). Intra-atoll transportation was assigned to the Navy, i.

one exception. The Army would provide amphibiouslighters (LARC,

Army amphibious vehicles with a unique capability for crossing the Several
hundred yards of shallow reefs which surrounded manyoftheislands and
prevented access by the Navy landing craft. Other support teams

designated by the JCS253.254 and identified in the CONPLAN 25;

a. The Field Radiation Support Team, to be provided by the Air Force

to oversee on-site radiological safety, conduct field radiologicg
sampling of debris, and carry out explosive ordnance disposal,

b. The Medical Team, to be furnished by the Air Force to provide

medical and dental care to all authorized personnel on Eneweta,

Atoll. The physician also would serve asstaff physician to the CJTg.
c. The Chaplain Team, to be furnished by the Armyto providereligious
services and associated supportto all personnel. The Chaplain also
would serve on thestaff of the CJTG.

d. The Communications-Electronics Team, to be furnished by:the Ajr

Force to provide all common-user communications support.
e. The Helicopter Team, to be furnished by the Armyforintra-ato}

medical evacuation, and search and rescue.

f. The Finance Team, consisting of one Army noncommissionedofficer
to provide military pay assistance.

g. The Laundry Team,to be furnished by the Army, since they werethe

only service which operated portable tactical laundry units, to operate

a genera! laundry at Enewetak Campand a decontamination laundry

at Lojwa Camp.

h. The Petroleum-Oil-Lubricants (POL) Team, to be furnished by the

Air Force to resupply forward-area POL stores and provide limited
quality surveillance of POL products such as helicopter fuel.

i. The Airfield Team, to be furnished by the Air Force to operate the
aerial port, including marshalling, loading, and offloading ofaircraft.

j. The Postal Team, to be furnished by the Air Force to operate the

military post office.

In addition to these teams, the Navy and Air Force were tasked to

furnish technicians to work with the radiological support contractors, thus

reducing the cost of radiological survey and laboratory operations.256 The

radiological support contractors, engaged and supervised by ERDA, were
to provide soil surveys and laboratory analyses necessary to establish
cleanup requirements, to evaluate the effectiveness of cleanup work, to
support radiological health and safety programs, andto certify the results
of radiological cleanup. The base support contractor, Holmes & Narver-


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