A summaryof actual expenditures incurred during the project under the

MILCON appropriation is contained in Chapter 9.

The JCS and the Director, DNA had advised against having theServices

furnish materiel and transportation support without reimbursement on the

basis thatit would detract from the Services’ other missions.229 The 2 July

1976 edition of CONPLAN1-76 reflected this position and included funds

to reimburse the Services in its estimated total cost of $24.331 million.|;
also included $2.9 million (ERDA’slatest estimate) to reimburse ERDA

for radiological support based on the 7 September 1972 conference

agreement.230 This plan was reviewed by DNA officials at Headquarters

and Field Command on 2 August 1976 to identify means of reducing costs
to the $20 million which had been appropriated. One obviousaction wasto

limit the reimbursement of ERDA to the $1.5 million which had been
ERDA’s original estimate and which had been contained in the original
DNA budgetrequestfor radiological support. Other possible reductionsof
MILCONcosts also were discussed; however,it was agreed that no further

changes to the CONPLAN would be made until JCS comments were
received on the 2 July 1976 version which had beendistributed by the Joint

Staff to the Services and the CINCPAC.23! The Chairman ofthe JCS,

General George S. Brown, USAF,was briefed on the CONPLANduring a

visit to Field Commandthat autumn.
In forwarding the 2 July 1976 CONPLAN, DNAhad requested that the
Military Services be assigned formal responsibility for supporting the
cleanup project and that supporting Service elements be designated so that
detailed planning could begin immediately, with the objective of starting ©

cleanupoperations on 1 March 1977.232 On 10 September1976, the Deputy
Secretary of Defense requested the Chairman, JCS, to inform the Military

Departments of the requirement to accomplish this project under the
conditions imposed by the Congress and the need to provide supportto
this project, including but notlimited to:

a. Full and effective troop support.

b. Maximum feasible use of PCS rather than TDY to conserve project

funds in order to accomplish the project within the $20 million
MILCONappropriation and to keep the total project cost down.
c. Provision of supplies, equipment, including repair parts, and

transportation available Service-wide required for timely accomplish-

mentof the project.

Select target paragraph3