Planning and Programming


Fnewetak Atoll.’” An agreement with representatives of the TTPI
certifying this stipulation was signed 16 September 1976.

‘‘Afl feasible economies should be realized in the accomplishment of

this project throughthe useof Military Services’ construction and support

forces, their subsistence, equipment, material, supplies and
transportation, which have been funded to support ongoing operations of

the Military Services and would be required for normal operations of these
forces. Further, such support should be furnished without reimbursement

from military construction funds.”’227
The Military Construction Program request, on which the approved

version of the MILCON appropriation bill was based, provided for

expenditure of the $20 million in the following manner:228

a. Field Construction—$1.3 million. Included in this category were the

rehabilitation of existing facilities on Enewetak Island essential only
for cleanup operations, construction of camp facilities on Enewetak
and supporting facilities for the mobile forward camp, and the
construction of boat beaching facilities.
b. Mobilization—$3.3 million. This included air and sea shipping and

transportation costs needed to prepare for the start of operations at

Enewetak Atoll.
c. Cleanup/Operations and Maintenance—$4.5 million. Included were
costs of fuel, spare parts, supplies, mess supplies, indigenous labor
wages, medical operations, communications, and equipmentused for
cleanup and operation of campfacilities.
d. Crater Containment—$3.7 million. This category contained those
cost items specific to disposing of radioactively contaminated debris
and soil by encapsulation in a crater on Runit with a soil-cement
mixture and covered with a concrete cap. Cost items included a
technical services contract, equipment, fuel, cement, and sea andair

shipmentof materials.
e. Radiological Operations—$2.6 million. This category provided for the

safety monitoring and quality control evaluations for all radiological
operations. Cost items included procurement and shipping of
equipment and supplies and the cost of reimbursing ERDA for
providing a civilian contractor-operated radiation analysis laboratory
augmented with military technicians.

f. Demobilization—$2.1 million. This category included air and sea
shipping and transportation costs relevant to the closing of DOD

Operations at Enewetak.

g. Logistics—$2.5 million. Included in this category were support

necessary to the conduct of the Enewetak Atoll cleanup and air and
sea transportation and shipping costs.

Select target paragraph3