I would like to assist in this coordination and
also to collect as much information as we can

from photographs and other reports that are in
existence so that we can build up a collection of

basic information that will be of assistance in

carrying out our mission.

Peter T. Coleman

There had been publication which will assist us in

determining the proper names of these islands. He
has maps that will identify the 3 islands that are

no longer there.
Maynard Neas

Last year Lands and Surveys promoted and carried out
a project which included one volume listing all of
the islands of the Trust Territory. Dr. Bryan of the
Bishop Mission prepared the booklet. Each island

of the Trust Territory is given a number, the local
name is given, the name given on the Japanese charts,
the name given on the German charts and the Joint Task
Force 7 code name and other military code names.
Peter T. Coleman

George Nakanishi

I would like to introduce George Nakanishi who has
been working in the Trust Territory for many years
as an Agriculturist Expert. George would you have
something to say.
‘My job is to compile the necessary data to substantiate
a planting program and see that some of the islands

that were disturbed will be put back in to its former
condition or better. We will be making plans for

rehabilitation of the islands by planting coconuts.

on some of the islands that people will be living on
and other subsistence crops such as breadfruit if it
is possible. We will investigate means to make it
little better than it was in the past by making a
study of groundwater system and perhaps utilizing

modern irrigation methods to make these things come to
pass. Much of the land has been disturbed and soils
mixed up because of construction. It's going to be a

difficult task in some areas to get the plants to~grow.

However, we feel that this is possible and all of the--- lands that the people feel should be planted in coconuts
will be worked on. A report will be submitted to the
administration as to how extensive the program will be
as soon as we find out exactly what islands are going
to be involved in this study.

Peter T. Coleman

Together with what George had said, we were talking
yesterday about after the test the land will be

restored and coconuts will be planted.

If there

is any planting at all, I would suggest that we're
informed because the selection of seedlings will be

very important on this type of place.

Rather than

pick the seedlings off the coconuts trees here,

George might have in mind




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