some of the seedlings from the Southern islands so that

we can have different types of coconuts and much more

Lt. Col. Circeo

I have already talked to George about this.


George Nakanishi is going to need people, and need to

hire employees who will be planting the islands.
suggest that he hire people from Eniwetok.

I would

Peter T. Coleman

Yes, if there are going to be any people needed, I think
we're going to hire people from Eniwetok.

Ted Mitchell

Does the Trust Territory have any claims for the use
of any lands on Eniwetok Atoll.

Peter T. Coleman

The Trust Territory has no thoughts or plans that are

Ted Mitchell

Mhat I would like to know is when do the thoughts become


Peter T. Coleman

Ted Mitchell

firmed up, we are concerned with the use of the land for
the people.


You will de informed.

gonsulting the people.

No plans will be made without

We would like to know as soon as possible as to what
lands the Trust Territory claims title.

and descriptions.
has no entries.

We need maps

We would be very happy if the list

Peter T. Coleman

It will be done.

Anyone else like to speak.

Chips Barry

We would like to hear more from the Federal people

Col. Udick

We inherited this area from the old missile days.
Cantons and Kwaj now are the missiles centers. We are
here today to see that things are coordinated. We are
here to help.

Lt. Col. Circeo

From this point on, my primary concern is the PACE
program. The proper execution of the program, the
evaluation of the data and the environmental disposition of the test areas. Even if the Air Force

while we are all together here.

is coutracted to do it, it is our agency who is
overall supervisor.

Peter T.


Mr. Ray, would you introduce the rest of the
gentlemen here?





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