Roger Ray

I guess it is clear what my agency is and our Nevada
office will have the responsibility of acting for the


Atomic Energy Commission in studying and making the best
determination we can as to the radiation situation;
recommending what action that must be taken for safety
reasons before islands can be put to the uses that you
recommend; and then participating #4% actually conducting
the clean up action. Our partner in that will undoubtedly
be the Department of Defense. I think Col. Stevens
represents that part of the Department of Defense which most
likely to have this coordinating function for the.
defense action. I will let him speak.
Col. Stevens

I am from headquarters Defense Nuclear Agency.
I was --.sent here to observe the AEC survey that they made last

week and to observe the trip that you have made this week
to get a feeling of the order of magnitude of the job
that may face the Department of Defense in the event
that the Department of Defense is given the job of doing
the clean up. That's about all that I can say at this
time. John Stewart is from AEC office of Las Vegas. He
has been here last week coordinating the survey. Do
you have a word. to say or question to ask?

John Stewart


Chips Barry

I have one question anyway. Throughout our trip here,
we have heard that you will be doing a more extensive
survey. Can you tell us more about that? When it
Starts and when it ends.

Roger Ray

I'm not sure I can tell you when it will start but it
will start the minute we are given the job and funds
are made available.

I might say that the survey that

was just completed, we did without really having it
funded and without having really any support for it
and we took it from other programs we had ongoing ©
because we recognize the urgency of doing an initial
survey right now.

We are fresh out of money at the

moment and the minute we have the responsibility
assigned, and I think it is going to happen very


soon, I am confident that the responsibility will
be accompanied by funds. My guess is that in about

August or September, we will back out with the next

phase of, that survey.
this calcndar year...

Chips Barry

We would hope to complete it

How many people is your survey going to involve and will
there be written reports from the preliminary survey
and from the final survey and if so will you send us

copies of it?



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