Roger Ray

The survey probably will not involve very many more
people than were involved in this one. It will involve
more sophisticated equipment and a longer period of

As to the results of the survey, yes, these will

be made available certainly to the Trust Territory

Government and probably to the public. The reports will
be undoubtedly a part of such documentation as we and
the Department of Defense will have to provide as to the
environmental impact of the things that we intend to do.
So all of these will be in the public record I am very
sure. I think you should appreciate the results ofthe survey depends on extensive laboratory work after
we come here and get samples. We will then return to
laboratories in Nevada.

The time there can be anywhere

from a few weeks for the things we need of highest

priority to many months for getting very detailed information. The information will be available as soon as
we have it in a form that is understandable.
Peter T. Coleman

Are there any questions?

Chips Barry

I still have a couple of people to explain their

Mr. Turnbull


I am not clear as to Mr. Turnbull's function.

I am from the General Electric.

Our responsibility is

the administration of the contract.

The contract is for

the operation and maintenance of the SAMTEC facility
on this island. We operate and maintain them. I specifically work in Program Manzgement in Newport Beach
in California. I have been assisting Mr. Farkas in

setting up a new contract and additions to that contract.

Chips Barry

I just had one more question to ask. Mr. Ray, yesterday
at Engebi, there was some discussion about the Beryllium
problem. At the time it came up, I think you said that

this is not an AEC problem but rather an Air Force
problem. Will the AEC be dealing with the Beryllium

Roger Ray

The Beryllium problem is not one in which the Atomic _
Energy Commission has any unique competence. There
are AEC agencies that do have competence in evaluating
the Beryllium contamination and if we're assigned that
task I am sure that we would call upon them. The
Department of Defense does iave, mainly the Air Force

very specifically, and NASA have a good deal of

competence in this regard. I think this gain is
a question that should be directed to Washington.

Whatever teams are developed to come out here

and do the clean up will have the competence to deal
with the Beryllium problem.
The Beryllium problem
is not a radiation problem, it is not



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