a muclear contamination problem, it is chemical
problem somewhat different from what we ordinarily
deal with...

Lt. Col, Udick

Mr. Growe is the Program Manager for SAMTEC for. our
team in here. He is the man that you get in touch
with. He deals with all the tenants in-Whatever
category program we have.

Congressman Balos

My question is connected to the PACE Program here.
I still don't understand and I want to find out why.
Eniwetok was selected or chosen for this program. |

Lt. Col. Circeo

Eniwetok was choseri because Eniwetok has large craters.
Bikini also has large craters. We are tyring to
understand what caused the crater size over here both
in Eniwetok and Bikini.
If you like, I could go into
further detail. We have some materials and slides

which I think are necessary for complete explanation
and understanding.

We essentially looked all over

the world for sites. The first place we looked was the
United States because it would be the cheapest place
to conduct such a test.

We essentially investigated

this for two years with some of the top scientist

and geologist in the United States and it was determined that it was necessary to come out here in order
to conduct this. program even though the cost would _

probably be ten times more than it would cost to

conduct this program in the United States. Right now
we have even larger explosive programs being conducted
in the United States, in order to go along with the
program out here.
I can go into much more detail later

on if you like. Last night the PACE people met with
Chip and Ted for 2 hours.
We went over the explanation
of the program for them and I think they are fairly
well informed of the reason for our coming out here.
I will be happy to discuss with you later.

Congressman Balos

Well the reason I was asking this question is that I
think there are islands like Johnston and Wake Islands
that are very similar in geology to Eniwetok.

Lt. Col, Circeo

Later on this afternoon if possible if you are available,
I would like to meet and discuss with you this.

Dennis Olsen

Lt. Col. Circeo


I have a question regarding tke Eniwetok site selection. .

When did your two years search for a possible site
the PACE program end?
Well we started in about 1967 to 1969.

A report was


written around January 1970, on the geology of Eniwetok


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