
Shortly after this we started getting consultants

together and we requested funding for the program here.
Now you probably heard last night the biggest problem
against coming out to the Pacific at that time was me,

I was looking for other sites and a much cheaper program.

Dennis Olsen

I just want to get some idea as to the chrolonogically

of what happened.

When did you finally decide to use

. Eniwetok as the site in your PACE program.
Lt. Col. Circeo

I think it was around the beginning of 1970 when we were
finally convinced that we would have to come back here.

Dennis Olsen

Did you inform the Trust Territory at that time that you

Lt. Col. Circeo

No, we had discussions with the Air Force. The Air Force
is contracting the thing so they went through the
paperwork. We are just one of the monitoring agencies.

Dennis Olsen

Are you aware of when the Trust Territory was first
informed about it?

Lt. Col. Circeo


Peter T.

The PACE Program was discussed only when were talking


intended to use Fniwetok?

about the return.

We were informed then of the remaining

programs here and the definite date for the return

was set, that is when the PACE Program was discussed,
Dennis Olsen

Jon Anderson

You have no knowledge of the PACE program before

April 1972?

In other words, prior to the time that the program

was set for the return of Eniwetok, it was not considered
on the.part of the Defense Department necessary or even
desirable to consult with the Trust Territory Government
with regard to any uses that Eniwetok might be put too.

Lt. Col. Circeo

I guess that qualified yes to your question. I'll
have to dissect it.

Dennis Olsen

When was the Environmental Impact Statement filed

Lt. Col. Circeo

Well that is two separate questions. We had giver the
Environmental Impact Statement, actually it was not
finished till March, sometime in March or April, we
gave copies to the Trust Territory Government.
It was
actually filed with the Counsel of Environmental

and made availab - to the Trust Territory?

Quality on the 18 of April back in Washington.



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