Dennis Olsen

Are you aware of any attempt to tender the
Environmetal Impact Statement directly to the
Eniwetok people?

Lt. Col. Circeo

I don't think so, I just don't know. The Counsel
of Environmental Quality send the reports out to
agencies concerned, I am not sure if they~send one
to the Trust Territory Government or not although

we brought one out for them. Anybody is free to
comment on the Environmental Impact Statement. Now

after 45 days, I think it is, we get all the comments

and we put out the final statement.

draft right now.
Roger Ray

This is just a

It is not a normal thing for the agency of the

Department of Defense to deal directly with the Trust

Territory. Normally that cross-over is made at
departmental level. I am not sure that you have a
complete picture when you ask whether DNA or the
project people dealt directly with the Trust Territory.
The normal channel would be between the Department of

Defense and the Department of Interior.

I don't think

it is fair to ask Col. Circeo the negative question.

Dennis Olsen

I just want to get some idea of the actual sequence.

When did the facts become known and discovered within
the Trust Territory?

Roger Ray

We just have no way of knowing it.

Lt. Col. Circeo

But we did send copies to Interior.

Dennis Olsen

In early April?

Lt. Col. Circeo

I assume the 18th of April.

Peter T. Coleman

I have the regulations

that we submit these under if you would like to read it.
The return of Eniwetok is actually something that has

been negotiated for several years.

I have been Deputy ©

High Commissioner for 3 years now and I know that the
District Administrator of Marshalls, Mr. Heine and

himself made representation to the headquarters several
years back as to when Eniwetok was

going to be returned.

When the decision was finally made in the office cf the

President and the date was set, we were notified that
certain programs that had to be implemented by that date.

Congressman Balos Is kind of sad for these Eniwetokese people to come here

and see what happened to their islands.

I was wondering

why they were not informed of this or consulted about this



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