islands are returned to the Eniwetok people, the

islands will then also become the responsibility
of the Trust Territory Government which will

supply the overall services to the people. Now in
regard to your question that you requested first,
let me ask Phil if he has anything additional he

would like to say.
Phil Chamberlain

The only thing that I would like to add-is that we are
here to see what is to be done, that's the primary
reason for our being present on-this trip. We are

here to assist in anyway that is within our capability.

Qur capability is Master Planning. We have prepared
master. plan for 13 of the major islands in the Trust
Territory. Those plans are based upon a combined
efforts of the people and the planners so that a

mutually agreed upon plan is developed. What approach
will be taken here we don't know as yet. This will be
mutually agreed upon in our later combined meetings.
Chips Barry


_ Ishmael John


Phil Chamberlain

That's the type of information, I would like to hear
from everybody.

who will make the master plan for Eniwetok.
This is of course has not been decided yet.

why we are here.


If the people of Eniwetok request

our assistance then we will be very happy to assist.

Peter T. Coleman

df there's going to be any plan it will be the people's
plan. Jon Anderson is of Public Information Office.
Do you want to say somthing Jon.

Jon Anderson

My work here is to observe what is going on and I will
be writing some articles and publishing some pictures

about this trip and publishing something about the
future plans as they evolve. We fulfill a reporting

function in the Trust Territory because there is no
private news agency that is capable of disseminating

news simultaneously to all six districts.


Peter T. Coleman

Next, Mr.

Maynard Neas of Lands and Surveys.

Maynard Neas

Lands and Surveys has the responsibility of the public
land of the Trust Territory together with the survey.

of lands and the acquisition of sites for CIP. We
also analyze leases and other land actions that are

going on between the citizens of the Trust Territory
and non citizens of the Trust Territory. We therefore
enter into almost everything that takes place concerning

land. As far as to what I am personally thinking of
doing is first to keep in clost contact with

Mr. Coleman.



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