aware of everything that is planned to be done here

that is officially sanctioned and that there is nothing
that would interfere with your mission.

Col. Circeo

In the Ambassador's announcement, he mentioned 5

programs that were remaining here before DOD will be

The 5 programs have already been covered

in this meeting. He also mentioned that these would
in noway interfere with the rehabilitation or clean
up of the Atoll. He also stated something to the
effect that there would be minor residual rights and

I personally do not know what he meant by that. ~

Col, Earl Udick

Myself and other SAMTEC people are here to help to see

what exists and to determine what we can do in assisting

your people - to attempt to tie all of these activities

Col. Wexell from Kwajalein, SAMTEC, Major

Blaire; Mr. Growe and Mr. Krosher is from San Antonio.

He is the boatman.

So if you have any problems

concerning boats contact him; and Mr. Weir is contract
man in charge of control. So please remember we are
here to help you.
Peter T. Coleman

As we understand it all the programs other than the

small ones like the Coast Guard Station and the Marine
Biology Lab will remain but everything else will have

phased out by December of 1973.
Chips Barry

It would be very helpful for myself and the others

lawyers here if each of the Trust Territory and agency

people would make a statement concerning what their
roles will be in the rehabilitation process. What are

they going to do with the informaton that they have
gathered here when they go back to their offices? What

will they do in
these important
Mr. Phil Chambe
but beyond that

one way
ain is
I don't

or another that will affect
For instance, I know that
with Headquarters Public Works,
know what he is going to do

that will have effect Eniwetokese.

make an explanation of what you
very helpful.
Peter T. Coleman

First let me point out that the group that came in from
headquarters will initially prepare a report and
recommendation. Beyond that they will not do anything.
With the recommendations we will set down with the
representatives of Eniwetokese and agree upon a mitually
agreed upon approach to carry out the future programs.
The ultimate recommendations and programs worked out
by the Eniwetokese and the Trust Territory Government


will have to go to Washington.



If each of you could

propose to do would be

Eventually when the

Select target paragraph3