Roger -Ray

I think that clearly suggests that NO, they will not

effect the return of the island to the people or the
clean up program.

Col. Earl Udick

Basically, it goes down to this.

When you first turn

it off and the direction to do comes down to SAMTEC,

through Air Force channels, then its all over with.
Presently, we have the responsibility for supporting ~this operation. I am not trying to evade you but I
am trying to put in proper ljght.
Ted Mitchell

Are you aware of any other projects that are some place

in the planning stage that would involve the use of

Col. Earl Udick

‘fed Mitchell

I guess that's the way to answer this one in an

informal way.

SAMTEC has no mission here.

I directed this question to you because of my ignorance.
I don't know to whom else it should be directed. If
somebody else in this room can answer the question, I

would appreciate their assistance.
Roger Ray

I would like to take a try at it. AEC has no mission
here either.
I think I am conversant with the way

things are done here.

With all due respect to the Col.,

I would like to say that he is no better position to

answer that question than the cook downstairs is able to

tell you how many meals he is going to serve tonight.
He will serve all those people who will show up.
Ted Mitchell

I am sorry if I put you on the spot.

Col. Earl Udick

When I spoke to the General before I left, he said

“all you can do is to go and assist in anyway that is


We appreciate this opportunity to make it

very clear, and we go to Mr. Coleman's first remarks,
that this communication and inter-agency cooperation
is going to be extremely critical.


— Roger Ra)

Well, I think that you have been asking a question
that we have been asking ourselves. As I have mentioned
earlier, myself and others have concluded on this visit
that the very first order of business to fill the gap that
you have mentioned. There is not anyone in this room or
probably one single person who can answer this question.
We believe that there needs to be at the agency level, a

coordinating group which will have the information and the

authority to say YEA or NAY about any proposed new experiments or activities.
I personally believe I am



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