Peter T. Coleman

Lt. Circeo
Peter T. Coleman

I have the gentieman's name that was given to me

by the University of Hawaii. He was to be here at
this time. He made himself available the other
evening. I believe his name is Losey.
Losey is the name.
Our own people from the Trust Territory team have been
‘gathering information and we will be preparing a report.

When that report is completed, we will give you folks

They will be inventorying everything of
importance on each island. I will be going to Honolulu
and I will be in touch with Washington. This is for
our team's information. We will get together later on.
I just want you to be prepared to cover certain salient
points that I need to mention on my trip with the
understanding that final report will be coming here.

Ted Mitchell

_Lt. Udick, my question is directed to you. Is there
any significant activity that is underway or that is
planned in the forseeable future that would in anyway
effect che ultimate return of Eniwetok to the people.

Col. Earl Udick

I will do my best to answer that question. We are in
a peculiar situation you might say. We have to take
care of the contract for any additional tenant type
-operation. That all goes through our contract. There
are several programs going on. The programs that are
going on are now established and if there are some
other programs, such as the return of the islands that
overshadows everything. All we can do is just hang in.
We've got a job to do and we have been assigned to run
the island and take care of the tenants as they come
to us - to assist them in carrying out their projects.
I can't honestly say that there is anything that would
interfere with the return of the island, We are in NO
position to say that.

Ted Mitchell

We are aware of Marine Biological Laboratory and the
Loran Station. Are there any additional programs?

Col. Earl Udick

The PACE program and Col. Russel's program,

classified. What is the number on that progiw? 0OD5125.
Also the Scrips project and Senior Girl which is an
in and out type operation, Senior Girl is also a
classified project.

Ted Mitchell

What is the number,


We don't have an OD number on that.


Earl Udick



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