exchange the men in di

rations for the three tests so that

the men will gsin experience in the particular fields in which they
have most interest,

However, since it is enticipated that A, F. S. W. P.

will wish to supply some three times as many men as will be needed for
any particular bomb assembly, the Seientific Director will assign the excess men to other duties in other technical eroups for each shot.


direction, selection and assignment of men etc, for assembly teams for
each of the three tests will remain in the hands of the Seientific

Directcr and his Assembly Team Captain,

Quarters aboard the AV4 and AV5

cannot be guaranteed at this date for rore A, F. S. “. P. personnel
than the Technical Director needs for aid in the technical operations,
4, e., quarterc for observers may have to be found elsewhere,

There shall be only a single security officer and his staff with

when the Scientific Director will desl,

The designation of the classification of

areas and operations dealing with technical work shell be worked out among the
Test Director, Scientific Director and this security officer,

Although un-

doubtedly various areas will be guarded, all personnel coming in direct contact
with the technics] staff at work shall vear badges indicative of their clesrarce,.
This includes the technical staff.

The security officer mentioned above shall

rave authority to authenticate T. S. materiel, and the Test Directer or
Scientific Director with this officer shell have authcrity to reduce class~
ifications and to declare certain information or material nonclassified.

The Scientific Director through the Test Director shall have the

authcrity to ban personal physical equipment (such as cameras) from the whole
or any part of the area of operations,

A system will be set up whereby it will

become possible for individuals participating in the work in the Pacific to

obtain prints of certain photographs of unclassifieable nature,

Select target paragraph3