Directer cf Radiolcgical Se..°,,


meke firal decisions for technical


bility of the Technical Dir: c*

.t it remains the duty and responsi-

No one will be .c:.4 i: to potentially dangerous areas unless

he velunteers in any case,
Examples of Case II:


Technical, Scientific end Record Photography,

The Scientific

Directecr proposes to use Colonel Cullen's organization as he aet it
up intact, this organizaticn to operate exactly like any other
technical group from Los Alamos, N. 0. L., etc.

However, the

Sclentifie Directcr must reserve the right to alter internal
arrangements within the group, and to direct that varicus jobs be
performed in particular weys in the same sense as for any other
technical group.

Radiation Measurements, not including health monitoring, by

Colonel Cooney's organization,

Comments similar to thossa re

Photography in No, 1 above,


Bomb assembly~team assistance from 4. F. S. W. P.

All militery

perscnnel assigned to the bomb test oneraetions for purposes of

observation and/or experience in bomb assembly and similar operations
will be assigned duty individually under the Technical Lirector with
assurance that the men will nct be recalled before the completion
of the tests,

The Scientific Director may limit the number cf such

personnel and may refuse to take any given individual for this purpose.

However, the Technical Director vill urdertake to accept and use in
his operations a minimun number of officers and men equivalent to
three pit and bomb assembly teams,


Further, he will undertake to

Select target paragraph3