

Entry of personnel into comaminated areas (full end limitec radex’ will

require access pormits. Tac eecess oernit will signify that all radsafe procecures have bean conplied witn. These access prraits wil} be
dgsuec te perty teoatovs om panty leuders by the plotting ard briefing
s2rticon TU-G6 at Red-fa-a Cater.

Recovery and construction crrties will be elloved te enter contaninated
areas as dvetirec depiniuent upon tie current radiolozical eftuation.


Actuel conivel of exrlv entry on DePuy will b% exercised Ly the Je 3
Settiea, Task Grou 7 li.

Check points for ent. ol ef emry in.o contaninaced area will be ¢stablichec by TUaf rocurred, Norshiv, check poitis will te naintas ned

al tre Aas Dispoterer'’s Cifiee and tue marine jening., Fersonnel ceparting fer cence "nets CQ oveet suovld have attesé pesnits orier to pass ing
tae check wiint:. tye return foo. c com-aninated area, p2orsonnel and
equip tent. nn Seu. ore] st thees eck peante.
Personrci at equipmon’ fount to be cote rimcied cutvs che tolerance levels will be di rected
to the éeppreprices Goccatetination s ciien, AU) persennml] enould proceed
Ral Sete lente: te essaem.. film badees uper return fron a cone
tarineted aria,

Tie a Unat Counaondets ary acrange der sontinatiz acecus permits inte tone

tavimuedc araas fer pl Somiwl an ther Teox (nats. Thre ecntinuirg
av. aff Pets ati cigitmeit: Ales frequent entry to arc exit Nrem a

son veninatrs al2Kiticat Taliceins uit raciologier, safety regulations
On Bek: ES every entr: end ex’. él regiest: for contéruing atcess
pertits uli: o@ arsitved b: CTU-t. chese percits may be withdrawn at
Avy Vile, cepvernting cn the radlologiral gsituaticn, “In general, contiming
&.LC58 porrits villi te good ony inti erother cevito is fired or certain
Anes .cual SumuLitive cogare totale ure reaczhed.

PYodccts will provide ured: om moniiors fer entry into esataninated
Ts the evar! monitors carnot be proviced by the project, arrangemone will oe roe. wit) Tue © fo: sual: of the required sonitore,

Aonitess omsigy.
a.kvicuane of :rouze working ir cortauinated areas
er wit. ceoneacaniacec coadccwest Curir sceecvery cperations will act in as
advisory Gssacity to hlop cure receve.y pau leader inforacdo radiation
invengities at 2tinvc. Sime tle part: leader is resronsible for the

rogiologica: safoty of ali mecrers ci nis carty ne is expssied to accept

tre morttor’s atvar: ast an accedingly.

It is tne res; cusidility of

both the lester and tic remtors of tue recovery party to adhere to the

Limite estzslisied tr. taese revalations.


Perty mont.iors, ana ay others doemee neeccssery, ehul] be oriefed by the
TU-6 plotting and briefing section prior to raceipt of an access permit.


TU will train uoenite:s for the var. ous P prejects as required.



When ectins o: gisking in ary cerntatinated crea, sensible sanitary

precautions sicild bse Laken,


Par Om 6 ae ee co



Al) redieactiv. natactal cs. sett iris tn Enivetel: Proving Graand, with the

ercelion of Searse ar.; Soec. a Nl thes “at eric
doaoders wats CiNeS.

WSL) be registcred oy project

Inte> glen soucerning th. usitve of th. radioactive material,

Select target paragraph3