

500 c/n/S5en” fixed alpha. By "fixed" alpha is meant that no changg
in the alpha,contanination level cam be observed by avining a 100ceR


(SScxu" is the area of the nom) "Pee Wee” prose.)

¢, 200 e/n/S5em® renovable alpha
The tolerance level for personnel contatination will be ays follows:


7arfhr gamma plus beta for outer clothing and snoes, 2 ar/ir gama

on skin er pverscnal elotuing:. Fersonnel dscortamination will be
performed wnen these lovele ere exceedes.

The toleraice level for equipment rensvec from contaninated areas wisl bw
as fcllora:

7mrshr ganna orly.
5% e/n/SSecit fixed aiphs

Lecortrminatios will be p2rformed i4 the

field with portable decontz.inaton equipment orier t> rowrn t> the
main decontza.ination station if wie level oxcecds 5,0 c/m/5Sen*,

Tn the event tne: reasonable decomta-ination pvccedures cannot redu-s
contanination levels Selew those levels listed above, CIU-6 will tasuse

appropriate instructions.

ALD porsonnel will be issued fii7 baize: and marge s-pla:es on arrival
at EPG. Tne film badge will be worn at all times. In adiition, badges

will be excianged after euch entry into & contaninmated ama (excentions

to tnis will de made tr the case of contiming access peraits. Sez
below). Lost batlges anoule be reporiec ineediately to TU-4
(Cm return
to hone stavion Cadg:s will be turned in as part of tae EW cneck ov’


TU~4 will process fiim badges ent subnit dover: records t> Task Unis
Co-mandars on & caliy baste. In sat: ton special report: will be issued

on ali personel reantiing ¢r excestin= tne 2 9 roentgen eviuletive dose
total. Dosare i: formation may be atzines infor-ally at arg time o:

Catling tho pnott-sosimetry Seztior, av tie TuRad-Sefe Genter.

Entry into Coma~inated /reas.


Rudex (raciologica? exclusion) areas are defined as follows:


Full Radex Area:


Limited Radex area:
mar /OF «



Non Radex Area:

Contemination vel of 100 ar/hr or higher.
CcntaAnata on
4evel of 10pet nrfnr but less tnan
fase oe Cig

cSt Pd BtPew hs ot ihe bo Cote:me f

Contatination level less tnan 10 mA.

Entry into a ful) radex area will reo ire full pretective clotning. In
addition, a qualifie? monitor nust eccaupany any party envering a full

radex area. Entry invo @ linived racex area will require such protective
elotning and monitoring support as ic¢ aeamed necessary by *1e piobtt ng
and Oviefine sextion, TU.

Select target paragraph3