Tield Cenmand, tn turc, Gesignated Diat ae the creen’ ration to
implement directives set forth,.+*


G 3 dune 1954, letters were dirpatchod

to Sandia Cerporation®® and Air Foroo Special fespona Centcrs**
giving in detail the requirements which rust be fifilled in order
to ret the criteria established fer the high altitude tects. Ap
indicated in relereuce +°*, Headquarters, APSWY desired first
prierity on @ device to conaist of e Mark V eases with a totri
weight of 1500 lba., utilising the optinizad 22" systex with oa

forecast yield of approximately 2 FY. in the event that the ontimised 22” systea could not pe made available, Sandia Corporation

was recuestes to rake

2eions for the gsubatitution of the



"It wee alec speeified that if the Mark V, 1690 1b. case
wes tallietically or operationally unsuitable, investigation of a

Merk V, 8000 lb. (T-#2) case should be made,

by mid dume 10954, Bancia Corporation
reported that the Merk ¥, 16060 lb, configuration wee satisiactory
ard Lense further work with the T~€62'e wis cisecrmtinsed,

At this

some time, Sandia Carperetion reported thet ths optinigzsd 22° eya-

tom probably would not be available by the regulred date (early
1855) end that pr
anning consid-cation was being given tc

the vee of ths




Preplanning fer Overation TAROT


A plannirg greup was eatoblizhad in

Headquarters, AFOR?T, to plan for and schedule rilitar: efforts

projest participation in Operation TEAPC by ths three cerricaa

® Letter sub‘s:: “hucleer Pevioe for Eigh Altitude 8het, Cocretion

LBAPOY” dated 7 kay 1954, trea ATSHP tCC, FC, APES, SPLTHAT/A03.18

@* Letter subject "Kuslear Device for Uirh Altitude Cetonaticz,
Operation TEAFCOT" dated 3 Jura 1654,

WHET C4eGdd~c,

*38 Lattc>, eubjeot "Buslear Sevier fcr High Altitude Detoretion,
Operation PRAPOT" POWIE 64—<645=0, deted LE dims lols,

Select target paragraph3