e yo






monitess wm the resovery alesiong.

During the call of 1943, s@-

tected individvals ‘sow each project group sttended a ghort rud+
safs voursa ompducted by [TG 7.1 at she b-G, destined vo quality
the dudividvais as monitors.

In widition to + » individual peu

fest monitors, £0 7.1 had available in the fermed sroe a limited
number of fulietiges monitore, Within TV.}S headquarters, ons
offer wes designated to monitor and coordiuals all radesais
matters, md reascnoaoly, accurate dowage rscords on all persoras)
were mititained, The high levels cf contanlration which reoulted
frou aevoral of the shots, together vith the nesesaity for free
qusat untry ints eortaminuated arcas te services ouctoment durisg

thu long deley vericds between shots, coed a saericua oreblem to

Sontrold of maximum poraissaible exnoswrea for crolaot paracnnel.
iYferte were made to ratate personnel whenersr ccssitie, however,
it wig neseusary to raqueat watwer of the Meximun Personnel Txpc-

gars (M22) ta the cass of several project personnel.

in yonoral,

the uystem of placing monitoring responsibdil‘ties on the intiviual project groups worked very catisractorily,

Roll-up Astivitisa,

began a8 g.on ae Shot § was fired at Bikini.

Rellew istivittes

Participation in

Brot @ at «misgetak wera cether ilmited aué ali instrumentetion

nad Lcen raady approxiaately tarse weeks srior to ths aotual shct
it ws, therefore, poast>lea to utilise the time between

~not 6 and Shot $ for ceport writing aod ralieu; praparaticrs,
[6 expedits eubmiesica of prellsainary reperts, many orojeata wore
directud to inoluds cnily the data fromtre “iret five giota in
vheiz preiiminary reports,

After Shot 6 was itred, aporoninatsly

one vea’c was required to complete werk in the forward area for e.1

but a <¢w projects.

Headquartarg of TU<13 ceparted on 19 May,

Seaviang on@ .ifioer to assiat in Pinal roll-up which was gonpletsd

vn 2&8 May 1954.


EAPO? Activitias

the C9,

Development oi High alt‘tuce cavice


(mn 7 May 1984, the Chiel, AFIT, authorlesd

Meld Command, to take such action es was uscesrary to in-

ylonent the design aad procurenent of a tert davice te meet the rem
qairgnents ‘Ter the high altitude shot of Operation TEAFOR. The Cu,



Select target paragraph3