Sevdling wll inccwing end outgoing clagsiciud and unclacsified

sorrespondenss wae opereted independeatiy of Tesk ¢roup 7-1.
Uincs aset projects did rot have adoquate clerical aguistanes
in the forward ayea, Tagk Gnit 14 heedouartera poavided asaise
tance in thie raspeast. Tha ccntrol of all classified isowents
wee bOulled by Tu-L8. In ai] other administrative matters 20-15
Trovided assistenes to the projacta by coordinating tesli requiremente with toe appropriate staff seotioo of Task Uroup 7.1 and the
ather Tagk Groups.


Engineering and Construction.

Al] TU-.3

cequlremnte Tor co site construction and ccutractar-lurnished
suppest were procesced by the J-8 sestion of 74 7.1. Zo ineure
proper cocrdination of these requirements COR W. 4, Holelion was
xesigned from DWET to the J-6 section. He served in this cupacity
throughout the operatiowal period of the test, The initial require-

ments from all SCD orejecta were chtained in May of 1983 and by

Jovesber 1958 ali sajor ocongtructian was well advanced. Srall soustyustion was held in abeyance uxtil approximitaly Deommber 1955
with the mijerity being ccoamplished during Jamarya xd Tobruary

1964. The Meish werk ineluding clean up and grading was nosanplished hating -ebruary 1864, at which tims the individual pr ject

groups were represernced in the forward ares and wore, thorefors,
available to advise on the asosptability of the various its,
Routing daily sucpers reculrements during ths cpsratioal pariwd
were handled dirsetiy by 1-8 without reference ts [0-13 heacdquarters, Ia most instances job work orders wore writtsya tio cover
the "vk required.



Py agreement votween Vorander,

Jeket ‘fagk Porse 7 (UP 7) and Chief, APSO, The Commer ling General,
“Wold Cusmand, APSAP retained ecutrol of a:] Reesaveh and lavelep«
nent Sanda requtred for the DOD effects program ic Cperscion CAE UR,
Fetrawmilitery funds were transferred by Bordguacters, AtSn? to the
task Jorge and were avatladle to finance aovrspriate TC«i8 acti-

vities a9 requirsd,

The ofigizal Nesevarch aud Cevwierssat


budget was 97,361,780, This emount wig breken dem “oy crorrems,
aid cn the beagle of individual preject erti-ates, wae further

oroken down by trojecte within euca progrtu tor ecaerel vacposes.
Tn cdd@iticn, it cea found suonvenion’ to .urth r beeak down all

ré2 funds into twe categories, Clars T ent Clase it, Ciass I
Ponta ware these axpendod by tbe individusl -rojests to detray

Select target paragraph3