

om the TAR would te detrimental, .s crier .9 wake the nove to
twejnleia more plavaibie, plana were wade for che establishes

a’; Meejelein of cn iomocphore resordisg etation ard 4h.3 Uhres
eroosed man yore sent to fwajalein to srecare s sity cor this
ataticn. Te was desided subsequently so cvacuetea ths maa 70

Leincier temern) Fescftal ia 4onelulu from whence they wera ro~

tummad t¢9 the “J,


Seogram 7.

uke proge~m cone


Progrem 9.

This progran inglxted

sisted ef the ususl long range dotection atudiss condusted by
cae Aly Toveg Aaslatowt for Atomio orgy (APOAE~1). che coly
station opersiing in the forward crea was an elestromgretic
wtation “hie was get up at Bikind fer Show + end wae Later
weed to duivetak for the remaining Mve shote,
coly ome project designed to determine by chotegraphy, bath aerial

esd ground, the significant parametere of the slouds resultiig
from cath of tio datmations, fhe ground photography was pic~
termed by Rigertan, Cerneshausen and ‘Grier and the serial shetoe

graphy by the Loskout Maurtair leborator;. Three CeS4 and cre
BoB type aireralt equipped with gyro-stebllisad espera sounts

were utilised, ‘he R838 performed an edditious! mlesion far
LASL of aeapler sortrs] end the €-5¢'e tnd om additional mss’ om

of sawalning deaumsutary photegraphy for the Tasx Poree. Ths
“wo sonfliscting requirements imposed os both tues eirerart acewhat jeopardised tae svecess of the aloud photograply pro jest,
nlthsy-h exsellont yesults ware cbtained, Far canpler gortra)
and for dogumsatary photegraphy, it sas desirabl: to plese the
aircraft 26 giose to the detouation an safety conditions weu'd


Foroloud shetography studies 1* was desirable to place

the alruraft at a considerable distance Crom the detonnticn so
caat, the omtire cloud eould ds comtainsd in ite fyvame co the
omera, Reagasably satisfactory compromises were worked cut fer
aagh ao%, However, it wae clearly dumustreted that cor a
wacrougiy guenessful cloud photography “.geriment, asrcraf muat
be asatcned for this specifio mission aud any conrileting reqalsements met Lo met by other afrorsft cagigqued fer thoss serpcses,
(4) Support Actiritiog, T19 meadqa:ters
cf insk Unit 15 crowided many adminiatretive irvicea direst to
t..a partiaigating projeut groups. A ouap.-i- mmasage center for


Select target paragraph3