Loos) weather waa very poor, a condition woich ugually eaccuwpanier
@ grutherly Siow, Agide from cioud photcyranhy, the cavarse seather
aonditiora ¢14 not seriously affect 7J-13 experiments, Jo uwasuradle

fail ows was detected on Parry or Bniwetok Isiunds.,

“savy ratu

vhewers during chot day, plus the very favorable vind situation,
vesulted 4a lower than oxpected contemination <n the isianda adija~
cone te the shot site. Reoovery operations precseded ahead of uchedule and were oompleted, exceyt far the underwater pressure instrue

westation by 4S,


Progran Activities

Frogram 1.

Prior tothe first shot,

three canplete blast lines had been conatrusted ~ two at Bikini
end one at Eniwetok. These thrive blast lines were ope:ated by the
Sandia Corporation for making air ciags and related measuracnts
along the aurface of tha ground at varyiog distcness from the varicus

whota (Projeets 1.2m, 168, 1e7)e

Of these thres clast lines, only

the on located in the northwestern portion of gikini 4toll cblainss
useful ueapurcments, The blast line on the scutsern portion of
Hikiad operated satisfactorily, wie the resulta were of Liitia
value due to ¢.4 lw yield of Shot 35. ile blast tine at Estwotos
was rot used because the shot for whieh i+ had bean constructed

wee camoelled, One additiomal line wae goretruccsd tavard the end
of the operation to take edvantaze cf Stos €, which during ths
operation was veashoduled from Bikini t9 the ithe crater at Aniwetok,


Measurerents ef caderwater srsasrcns

wore rede unier projest 1.4 by @ group recresenting the Offices of

vera. Research, Naval Research Laboratory, Naval Or¢énance ¢ shara=

tory aad Cavid Taylor Vodel Paain, The ormcational difficulties
encountered by these groups were 2t timas oxtre-ely severe, ori-«mardly due to the searcity of sropor support ships, the continued
clays int he shots and the rough conditions cf Biking Lagoon,

Chive AGP ond Flosting Dry Doek (A35D} rere requirad by the projact

almost osutimucusly, however, there wera fragugit ocssalens when

the damand for tuess two veszela for other tasks mada it -eseassery
to tesporarily suspend the work of project 1.4. It me necseaary,

because of the frequent poutponements ci ghot cates, to visit the

inetouepet ctations daily and eny iuterrupticn ia she aveliatility

af cre cappers shins reduced te e¢hances cf ottaining uesfal data
trom the instrumentation. The Yavy Task Group “TO 7.3) sade every




Select target paragraph3