
Ge ON woe Bohedul sa. pense
cay, the dovion waa detonated ay Cd1O. .. codeafo ond imags
survey Was mece at O8f0. This revealed «igh vedistdon Jecels
in the DegeGeerge complex and on Hew and fan, fh alto reveled
phat ware imindeiion nad been greater “ran that oor Suioa, The
snips soemtered the lageen to the fan anoLorage 2° 1700. The
only recowary for the PO pregram on thie day woe vecerds fram
a: Instrueent ehelter on Oboe.
Gs * se J3S Betos coparted
aicisl cn the oveaing of Yaukee day, the cther ships rometnirg
to effevt recovery and roileup. “mM Yenkee pius cne;, recovery
was made by helicopter for all land instrument statlous of the

3D progrem.

Taisa necessitated entry (in Dog~George complex)

t9 areas vrasding us Sigh as i0 ry/hr, but this was accomplished
without over-exposure of personnel. “reject 1.6 ras also able
to make resovery of its lageon stations on Tenkag plus one day.
Thus, on the evening cf Yenine clus one, only Projeot 1.4 had yet
<o take resovery, This recovery, to winimise contasination to the

wwo AYF's waking the resevery, was cod started wotil Yankees plus

taree. The recovery wae then eade without iusident snd camplstod
by Yankes piuae five. As ef Yankee plus eix, all Taak Unit 15
porsonmel bad cleared the Bizini area, e-d arrangements had boon
sade vor shipment cf all material to be evacuated from the Silcint



a, Tle ortginal readinosr Cate
Soy Meotar was Gl Aprél, as of tris date, *)9@ Union ahet was alye
ready to te fired at Bikini ee that {t was neocessery to meintain
a 24 how oapgability fer firing at either site. ‘in 27 fsril, the
weather fsreeast idieated favorable winds for thn tcllewing day,
however, at 0880 cn 38 April the winds were uncatiatactcry ard the
shot va postponed at that time. On & May, at 1650, it wags ane
nouneead that Weeter would be fired the following cay, hovever,
thia was canoslled at 2550 with an snnauacewsent that fenkee would
be Tired on 6 Mey at Bikini, The newt serisuse etteapt te Tire
Heotar wae 18 bay, howewer, lass cinute cinds were not feverable
ned the aict was costpored at O81C. Cn 18 May, the wird trend
appeared favorabie, eaeh suceseding wind wrun fudiestiae a mora


Savosabla aituation, and at S626 o1 id Gay Tsotar «ua firad,

Select target paragraph3