

Segeniseti.n way at olicies end ft,functional

respoasibilities hess been placed on indavtdualo in ecsordance

with aa SOP and Punctiomal Chart.

3, Bach jod doseription duriutes traantog and
aselotanes to the vext sendor position to lusure undesshilies
and trained roplacsmants,
4, The sensolidated -ncorease tf: Table of Cistrdbution antisipeted during the last raperting period kes been appreved at Field Govmacd level and, oven though acticn tas beea
taken Je fill the positions with pernarent persamoel, temporary

help fren the studert pool has been utilised with te resutting

candiaaps and disadvantages associaced with a high rate of turaover gud sertially treimad people. This situation is temporary,

however, anil serreotive measures shovld bo weil in hand during
the early pars of July exd sugust.

Heaurity Offiees.

a. Turing this pertod, the pregram for the cles:anes
of TU-15 persemnel partieipating in Operation CASTLE was sompleted.

Total °<" cleeranwes crented + 380

fetal Military clearances granted ~ 14

& Measures to iuplemant the provistans of fremutive
‘eder 10501 were initiated and campleted, Ths nost ixnpurtent aageste of this Puscutive Order wost v* gwourly sdminictered ty LACT
@. Review of ol) classified Piles aad filns Jor
the regrading, doxngrading, turn-in cr Jdsostrust ion,
be Review of all Resirioted Casurity Information
doquments far aither dewngrading to imla aif. ij o> upgrading to



Phyateal inventerice of slassified Searet

je «SRT Seourtty amaorandiuns wore crafted and ube
Serwisr cual purposes, the @eourity Vomci¢nduas are

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