dgoreused acticity wae utilised to ~ood acrarte gw 11 rawlering

cid files for purposes of deatructicn, fowmredlog and emaclication,

m the recwmendation of the TPAPC? Plena ag (row, in Neadquarters,
AsEW?, & aeparatse TSAPG? Millag ovate was eatabl ished withia tho
[Lrecterats to factiitate the foeorperation 2f t6 Crousis eles
with those of the [irecterate's at = later dete. In coordi-ation

with the Lirectorete of Beapons Effvota Jests (LFGR) Uscurity

OfSteer, a system of quarterly inverteries of Cucvet Usouments was
sstabliched within the Directorate whieh wcscmolished two main ob

jootives; uamely, the stetus cf accountability of documents within

the Direetorate acd a siseble decrease of classified waterink in

sorvenignee and working files.

As of 3G Airwe 1G.4, bos ctatus of

&11 Seeret unteriel has been determined except sar rhet metorlal

whigh ta charged to the Teelmical Mviaion. Since it wae recessary
for 2U915 to take a substantial percuntags o7 neterial from ths
Teohnical Division files oversess and, since matertal ras reevived

Cyom various sources by the Tesk Unit while uverseas during Cperation

CaETLE, 1¢ wns neovesary 40 process all waterial throuss the Er?
Hail ané@ Reoerds Section upon the return of [U-'3 Mlea for inaare
poration with DRE files, The process of iicerporation war dono as

expeditiously as pos {ble €o that in mo way ‘wuld it delay tho ors-

pevation of she preliminary reports af Opsrarion C4STLE, The Yechnical Divisien iz presently Tinishing ite requircd inventory and,
upom completion, 16 ie antioipated the status of Secret documents

within the Dirsetorats will be satisfastery, Tey Csoret doounemter
have deca held te an absolute winimas anc, to date, only one is

Seirg held witiin the Direstorate. ince ta operetion of tie
Hireotorate (a somewhat unique in (hut to wholes Directerats or a
portion must move back and forth te proving grounds for opsraticnal
perioca, more stringent control of classified eaterie] must bs on-

fervoed than would cormally bs expected.

“The stove actions, where

applicable, bed been coordireted with the “Leld Commend Ad* taut
worera) gud guidance and suggestions fron thik office were of sige
nificant value te the Directorate.

In furtherance of the aoove «en: to crevide for

&3 organisation flexible encugh to czersia Louth ac tho proving

ground a:d st Sandia Base as a split toza sinplemented wlth euge

mentation personnel or as a unit at wilisr pisee, the rollowing

iuprovaments have been made:


forking methcds aaa ceccri ayatanc hove bean


Select target paragraph3