on 22 Jenuery with Dr. A, C, Graves, Luc ilemoe Cchen*iris Laburse
sory, At wes evident that LAZL ideas of c-at aigub ta fired vere

stil) nebulovs and therefere not belpfad in oti sing up OC" planning,

A mewting os the 13th with Air Forse Spsctel ‘ivacoms Covter repre
sentatives was partioularly useful in tict rorpoueidle tndividosls
of APG were oricwved on the forthcoming cai.ccemomse vor the drop
of a high altitude devise of the order of os FP weithtag scout
$,300 pounds, 44 the cane tine ocnvergatious mre isitiate. with

represzeptires of tha Development civision, Field Comaand, Candia

Cerporation, and AFEWO representatives om atat coviua might Le
meitedble far the hizh altitudes shot whicz uv “is stage of planing
was the soly firma D@ propesal for | Arch.


Om 21 Jamary, a cenfaronse was held with the

Publ’?o Infornetion Officer, Fag, AFSW?, aid the Siaff ruulio Toforma~
tica GOffieer, Bg, Fleld Command, to review UPIHOT-KNCTHULE exvueri«
euses in nublic information end to develop corrective acticz te
depreve DOD publio inforration activities in the field during the
Doxt operation,

4. FPersoral negotiations aver the cact several months
for the aerviste of ir, fdward B, Doll as Teohnical Clreater for
Jperation TYAPUT culminated on & Mobraar: whe. or, Dell agreed to
Garvo agsin,


Ca 5 Sebrwary, the “Mrecter visited the Hevada

Proving Srwode and conferred with the Manager, Laa Veraa ‘ield
CSfiee. he principal point diseuseed was the integration of DOD

end A seourity personnel into me functional cfiiee for te next
series ci tants. the meeting with to. Weadruff ‘yr itaated fullest
concurrence im thie prinsiple.

tis Sth of February, the viructor cutritted a
revised fable of Distribution to the Chief of ftaff,
The basio

widerlyfag thought in the new T/D was to -rovide sufficient personnel

for two teshnical teams, thus enabling “hu Cireotorate to adequately
handle aomtinextal and overseas resnonsivijities eonourrently, aince
@ losg overlap oxists in planning, oxenuticn ind reperticg,

Ga 16 Yebsuary, Colonel Dow .irred up the nesessary

wonsteary cetalis aad sonmmunicatiors requirersnts necessary to permit
no atr Heather dorvies Detachment to study a.ring weatzer in the
cavela Pravlag Grounde during the worths of werch ard Auwil.


Select target paragraph3