
Major Elbert C. Jemkias, AQ 421747, tA.
Pregrana Sraneh
Zajor 5121 J. Rewey, 161494, Us4F
Requiremests Braneh

1 Nov 1965
1 sep 1982

ht. Willian G, Berkshire, £90144, 039
wupport branch

4 oun 2988

Lt. BR, iH. Cassen, 447151, UES

Py Jan 1583

(Detached 15 April 1984)
“avtain Merry BR. Halldew, 018120906, USA
Classification Branch

20 Get 1862

Aasistass srogras Directer

Captain Raymond RA. LA Pointe, ©1582781, USA

OIG HPO Detechmerd
Cap ain dases @. Saith, 0 i677881, JZa
Acoountable Officer, HPO

15 Feb 1982
1 Jul 1963

Caytain Kendwiek 3. Throekusrton, AO 1648578, ‘S47
Persomrel Security Branch
let Le, Joke 2, Hunboon, 6981976, USA

Aministretive Branca, ischnuical Biviaion

1 dot 1982
1 Fab iS68

V. ACTIVITIW. The [irecterats of Neapeus Effects Sects wae
eagaged iu two Significant areas of activities during the psriod
1 January ~ 30 Jae 1956: participation in Speration CASTLE, and

prelisinzery planning for Operation TEAPCT at the Mevada Proving
crounde in the Spring of 1968,

The activities of the Dtreetorats

are nosed below under six headiags, vis:

Jkfice of the Dirsetor.

Ll. The firet official act of tis Director during this
rupartiag peried wae to wieit daahington on 3 Jeguury at the direc.ien ef the Chief, A¥SG?P, to be present while a Joint arf pro-

posal waa ceing diseussed whereby AFEWP was to have boen given the

DOL responsibility fer overseas tests as ivell «4 for sontinental
seaste. The prelimisary ideas of Field Command were presented te
“meral Lluedeacke- ta @ formal meeting of the Joint War Plena Com
aiv.eg, the Army and Navy Planners did not oconeur in the Joint
Start position, whieh was supported by the Air <ocne Planner, and
the resjensibilities remminad status qus,

Ja ll-13 Jenuary, the Sirestor attended a caries

of uastiage in vonneotion with TSAPOT planning.


“46 a conference

Select target paragraph3