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naeliieee mt See +

To simplify calibration, the comon filament voltage contre] of
and gamna amplifier tubes snould be elininated in favor
Widsal controls.

« & calibrated control shuld .e wovided so that the trigzer
can be changed easily to a differn.". known value ia the

to provide a record of the start of sampling tise should be
inoorperated in the sampler unit.

fo ease field maintenance and calibration of the contimu-

rs, & awitch disconnecting high voltage should be tcorpowaeted in the circuit and provision made for inserting a portacle
aster in the output ciresit at the monitor. The latter nodification vould be a convenience because the recorder is usually some
distance from the monitor and it is sot possible to adjust controls
and watch the recorder deflection simtaneously.

eh ekaenehia oaae oe anecrtanmnedie Si Aelitase ane cot tdci mines anh


Qa the basie of experience guined during this cyawatinn, the folleetay.

modifications are proposed for use in any further meltoriang progrsrs
of this natures

d. De addition to tio general pattern of auicaatis nonttortay stations
ineluted for CASTIR, provide rupntemestesy station ay tecem a a. Vis
forming « semicircle oriaentad to the east arti witdis 300 xiles if 1:4

teat site. The wort practical instiliation for these mipplerentil stae
tlone would be automatic, detierp operated, wremned@ eqaiznant. 5!
possible thay should be squipped to teleneter. The locaticnt should by

selected on the bagis of accessibility dy air or arface veasel a3 wll

og dlatritation arquad the teat arene

Weekty or bi-weenly visits would be necessary for maintenance (ani sais
Teoevésy in the event telewstering cannot te utilised).
2. Duplicate instrummtation ts eszential a6 unagwed stations a%1 ts
etrongly desirable at samed etaticas.

Je 42 alternative to #1 would be wre frequent survey Mights cover-

ing pore flight patterns following each event, although this would not
prowidethe same precision of faiicu! arrival measurenents 22 would bo
obtained by the ground stations nor would tak values necessarilly o*

. obtained, Daily flights each of the AULE and 2A0ER patterns up +
*Sope om iz days after each event 11 addition te normal scheduling

” weed euffice to detect Late cecurring fallout and establich fa) lout

arrival. time to within a 2% hour period, .

ae a wizimonm requirement, each flight. patters ahould be oxecuted stor tly

De@ere ancl: event. after She first to meaqure. residual contanination ine
tensities. It is only by thie mans. that: the Callout frsn succesuive

barwte can be accurately computed from measured wilues. Surtag c45TLE
6 was found to be impossible te schedule reesurvey flighss co
B = 1 because of unpredictable delays in dntonstine the test dav..'t
and frequent conflicts with the surveys squadrom’s otter condtoent:
which wore heaviestprior to D days. Thersfcre, in cases of long octets
between bursts, re-surveys st reguler five day intervals are sug st "* 3

te emeure the currency of residual contarinaticn date.

lb. Develop procedures fornight survey flights. Such procedures the:
probably provide for omitting islands with aowtalnous terrain.

S. Betelop procedares for differentiating among the several scurcss
ieeflight radiation to permit proper evaluation af ground intensity


Select target paragraph3