seth eda



ign Yoltam Soacds.

tet ale ee



metal corrosion,

te mtor shalt putting thea dust moaitor out cf comissisn

The leakage ree

actance of the tranaformer in the 4.5. unite (TMet.£ end Tubs}
was high enough to prevant excessive current in the primary so
that the short would corn throigh wht.s.t the chrcuit troaaer
opening. In the D.C. unit (TNed-d)} the excsseive current draw
Giecharzged the battery. Bakelite boards should ast be used in
She high voliage saction sf equipmen: to ne used in

The farmer prevented feeding sf the Miter pape.

which stalled the drive ator, The overheating of the motar in
sAdltion to ths must caused by excassive Sand af ty usually frose
mn tw

se mete pate

high voltage points to ground to burn the board.





TixSed. Sefore being placed on Uselang, tre dust samplers vere
preset to trigger st 0.) a/b, On subsequent visits efter bursta,

the beckeround was cften greater than the tKigger setting,
otter ta waady the inateument for ths Soliewing event, tne
satcing necessarily had ta be railed abowe the current backorouu
Vasiwe a Oxisting contrel on the instrument permitted accurste
etjustmmat only by cumbersome trial and errop procedure

At moat of the installations, ling volte

& portable source and gamma survey instrument, Generally, there
being insufficient time for this procedure, the setting was adjuated
te some value, only approximately imown, such that the unit

quency vere maintaing. at standard levels only during

the upper level wind observations, Voltages a3 low as &5 volts
were observed during maintenance visite and near the otal of the
operation conditions may have been worse due to the fuel shortage
at several stations.

not trigger in the gamma flald, Because of this, the samritas tine

Water damage caused temporary failure of several instruments.


and condensation, The former waa the greater factor and was alin
inated by placing sheds over the units. Theae sheds were usually
Constructed with the monitor packing case, supported by fowr lacs,

Tes. Tae friction clutch should be made with a reversed
% 1% would tend to loosen. The paper drive mtor is heavier
and faster than required, 4 smaller astor would allow the
fwel supporting plate to drop lower allowing sista loading
of tha
paper. Also the slower drive motor vill eliminate over-running
ef the detent on the stop can.

inverted over the instrumsnt.

The condensation could not be stopped

but this elone did not cause any instrumant failures.


Several mercury batteries (Mallory 308448) went bad long

ore the expected end of their life ami showed signs of leakage.
Bxoept for one case, thia occurred only in those batteries fron
which several celis were removed to cotain Be voltage, Evidently
the stress placed on the cella by this operation is excessive and
another method of varying 8 # should be devised. A faw of these
hetteries ware received with the polarity, 2s imiicated on ths
_ Gaaing, reversed.
The two bars supporting the recorder are not strong enough and

« ged on a
n the Ka
{an cutting
umdar the welcht of the recorder, pres
ba hatter: Las
‘their casings. (lyptal paint, which was used te insulate
from the metal tase plate did not stand up and several shorts


The major failures in this tyre unit occurred in the beta
The paper drive mechanism broke down in almost evary

Recowmenuad Modifications.

A method of stopping the paper after it has traveled threa

-Would increase the Life of 2 filter paper roll from 8 to approxi

mately 14 days. At preeeat, the amount of paper
samila 13
controlled by tas radius of the takeup reel whichincreasas
the ousber of samples taken. Since it is necessary to have
drive set se that three inches 1s traversed with the Minimum
the open space between samples becoms excessively lang aa
the roll

is used,

A rubber pinch wheel eesembly

Replacing the beta GM tube or servicing ths circuit mounted
the lead shield 15 Jifficult, requiring almst 2 complete
atiunviing of the mnitor which is extremaly difficult in the
fleli. ©.
whole section should be mounted to a plug in the rear of the leui

pBheld which is easily removed without disassem
bling other parts 2f


mEpROTS eREIYAW Og mR ee ene



shich would be Simis un

@umign could be used to fix the amoun: of paper travel.



Pigascoagennantownst =

ater entered the instruments due both to heavy wind drives rain

for the next event could not te accurately eatabiished,

Fe eteammaaan tee

1 Lo


+, na
every unis. The contribut
ing factors mere vere the tendancy of
the friation
So Sigutsn up Ggainst toe mpunting plate and

i Woltage boards, These bards were also dDaislite and
apparently the high munidity encounter.d reduced the insulation
Tesistance to the point where sufficient current flowed froa

age a

kd” rece ue ee be me ya


& fallurs comon to these unite securred

Gare muls ted Line Volta.

BR Ce cont tte TE eR aleels ceo


seme ae tt tle


Select target paragraph3