The scurcos which aay obecure background seam rement.

for correction are skyshine and sea activity. The proper application
of shielding et the survey instrument could eliminate substantially

lars neee Semmensn t


all radiation originating in andi on the aircraft.


6. Automatic fisstor product dust measuring instruments should be
perfected and utilised at atations within three hundred niles of the

teat area.

Radioactive Debris From Operation ivf, 3%0-u522, April, 1952.

Te A contiming effort should be made to correlate fallout density

2. Radi. .ctive Debris Prom Qperation CASTLE: sorliwida Pallcst.
Sto be released)

per unit ares of grount with radiation intensity. Saspling by gumed
film or equivelert should be done at monitoring stations.
The succeasful measurement +f fallout over the open sea from air-

craft hes been demorstrsted.) Perfaction of this: technique holds

great promise for accurete evaluation ¢f fallout patterns up to two
to three tundred ailes downeind from megaton range bursts. Although
the aertal survey program described herein was not desiged for that

particular service, the programs could be coordinated for mitual & nefits


Atoll radiation data would supplement the sea surface data,
broadening the scope of the study.


Under suitable circumatarces, the atoll data would provide.
a direct relation between ses masurments and ground activity.


Immediate exact kiowladge of the fallout path direction, derived from sea mirfaae measurements, wuld be useful in anticipatingappropriate atoll surveyrequirements.


The Effects of Atoric Weapzas (Page 255).


9. The conversion of radiation measurement fro the air to ground intensity should be more sccuretely derined. Phenomencn necessary to be

pete x
rhe eee ae

studied are inatrumental energy depermdense, effects of fisaion product
age and caomesition, ani the relationship of ground intensities as
deternined by air measurement. to ground intensity mexsuracent dy conventional portable survey instrumonts.

Recommendations concerning instrumentation are included in

Sect fon VW.


- “1

, |




could be avoided in this asnnor.e

Survey Instrument Characteristics Measured by EadL, Instraconts
Branch staff,


survey functionge Wasteful overlapping of survey miselona



Survey sircraft enroute between two atolls can meaqure sea
radiation az a corollary xission. Toward this end, survey
patterns could bse modified within certain limits to examine
areas of particular interest without impairing the atoll

Radioactive Detris Fro~ Operation CASTLEs aerial Survey of O7-n
Sea Following YiebelSciaAag, ULOW618.







Select target paragraph3