from sediments (No78b) at higher concentrations than those in the

weight, and the concentrations in the water where the algae were

overlying bottom water at Enewetak Atoll,

obtained ranged from 10 to 116 fCi/].

By equilibration, small

quantities of 2394240), | from the sediments are exchanged and released


Surface sediment concentrations

at the stations (No78a, Ne75) were compared to the algae concentrations

Vertical diffusion moves the radionuclides to the sediment water

at these sites.

interface where the plutonium mixes with the lagoon water mass.

associated with the Halimeda spectes (pCi/g dry weight)

Remobilized plutonium can then be concentrated by members of the marine

top 2.5-em sediment layer (pCi/g dry weight) was 0,24 + 0.13 aud the

food chain.

24d concentration ratio wus 0.32 # 0.24,

Vertical diffusion can also move the exchanged plutonium in

the interstitial fluid deeper into the sediment column,

Exchange of

The average ratio of the 2394240), concentrations
to that in the


and 24d an in the sediment ranged from 9 to 0? pli/y and irom 1.1

Plutonium with exposed carbonate surfaces might account for the

pCi/g, respectively,

concentrations associated with material decper in the sediment column,

algae have lower PSO cmd PAT Ay levels than sediments
immediate environment.

Debris from the calcareous algae, Halimeda,

is the second most

of 23924,

ratio of


On an equivalent werght baste the

te 67

live henthic
in the

The average plant to sedinent concentration



Pu and * Van are uot statistically different.



2394240, and 24d in
there is no discrimination between

abundant component of Enewetak Lagoon sediments (£m54) and covers an

beginning with remobilization of the transuranics fron tie envaronrent

estimated 26% of the lagoon floor (Im54).

and ending with concentration by the algac.

Live species were collected

by divers and during dredging operations from numerous locations at both
Enewetak and Bikini.

Because algae were shown previously to concentrate

Table 4 summarizes data on transuranic concentrations in alae,
water, and sediment from Cactus Crater at Emnewetak,

The data show that

plutonium (No72), the role of this benthic algae is recycling the

the 238), 23240, ratio in the plants, water, and sediment are

transuranics at the Atoll should be assessed.


The mean concentration factor for 2394240 Pu associated with algae

In this crater ecosystem marine alyae do not discrinuinate

among the plutonium isotopes in the environment.

Tho plaunt:isedivert

species from both Atolls is 6 x 10° and ranges from 1 x to 32 x 104

concentration ratios of 2394240), and 241, are neariy


again shows that the processes of environmental release and plant uptake

To within the precision of our Measurements, the concentration

factors for plutonium at the two atolls and of different Halimeda
species from both atolls do not differ (No78a).


Concentrations of

OBy associated with the live algac ranged from 0.4 to 22 pci/g wet

iventiceal, which

of the two transuranics are similar,
The mean surface sediment inventory of
Ci (Table 1).

The lagoon is 933 km”

Pu et FPrneretak is 249

in area and the average specific

Select target paragraph3