


the separated foraminifera and coral fragments from station 40C are,

growth increment from this coral since 1954 was the 2394240),

however, at least 2.5 times higher than those associated with their

concentration below 104 + 12 pci/kg.

respective components at station 3D,

The distribution of


Pu is

Lower concentrations are

associated with coral remains deeper in the sediment column,

From the

different among components in the sediment from different regions of the

radiological record retained in the skeletal matrix of the Favites


virens, coral labelled during 1954 and 1958, for example, should have

The fine fraction at these locations contained the highest

concentration of


To within our analytical precision, the

2394240 Pu concentrations of 39x10 3 and 4.5 x 10° pci/ke, respectively


238, 239240, concentration ratio is identical in the components from


both stations,

in any subsurface coral remains.

In the sediment column from Bikini station 3,
associated with all components that were separated,

2394240, is
At all depths in

These concentrations are orders of magnitude larger than those
This data, thereforc, does not support

translecation of labelled coral material deeper into the sediment column
by physical processes during or after testing.

Burrowing, organisms

the sediment column, the highest concentration of 23942400, in the

could redistribute some fraction of labelled sedimentary components tc

coarse components was associated with Halimeda fragments.

depths in the sediment column,


of labelled material to the lagoon occurs at a rate that is too slow to
account for the buried activities below a few mm in the sediment

Although the age of the Halimeda fragments, coral, and other

components at depths greater than a few cm must therefore predate
the test years, 2394240), , is associated with these components.
The possibility that subsurface remains labelled during testing

However, when the 2394246, activites

associated with each component at various depths are conpatred to the
activity in the corresponding component at the surface, the
activities differ.



For exampic, between 5 to 10 em the PB H24G, |

concentrations associated with the coral, Halimeda,

foraminifera, and

shells are 1.29, 0.83, 0.43, and 0.34 times the concentrations
associated with those components in the surface layer.

Burrowing and

were buried later in the sediment column by large scale turbulence can

mixing processes by organisms are not likely to move specific component

be discounted.

selectively down through the sediment column.

Coral or Halimeda fragments directly subject to a

nuclear explosion probably would not retain their identity.

In recent

The data indicate that al] plutonium does not remain associated

yearly growth increments of a living sample of Favites virens coral from

with the sedimentary materai] with which it was originally deposited.

station B3, the 23942405, concentrations averaged 104 + 12 pCi/kg

Small quantities of plutonium are remobilized continuously from the


sediments to the layoon water column by surface exchanve rechanisms.

This value agrees well with the 2397240, concentrations in

dead coral] remains in surface layers at station B 3.

In no yearly

Plutonium is also detected in the interstitial water extracted in situ

aor pncervee

Select target paragraph3