gravity of the Halimeda and other sediment components is 1.8 g/em?

carbonate matrix and its associated transuranics in the sedimentary



Activities of 2394240, assoctated with the algae are related

to the activity in the surface sediment,

The mean wetidry ratio of the

The transuranics associated with the organic fraction

released during decomposition are recycled to the benthic or pelagic

Halimeda species is 2,3, and the average wet weight of the plants,


without holdfast, is 6.4 + 3.8 (No78a).

cycling the transuranics between the sediments and aqueons environment.

Therefore, the average

Over the long term the algae could play a key role in

2394240, concentration associated with the live Halimeda species at
Enewetak is 0.62 pCi/g wet weight.
with each plant.


Approximately 4.0 pCi are associated

If the number of Halimeda plants were known, the mean

A considerable number of lagoon water samples have been collected

Plutonium inventory associated with the living Halimeda reservoir could

for plutonium analysis by this laboratory since 1972 (Ke/3, No74, ho76,

be computed.


Unfortunately, no estimates of Halimeda biomass at

Enewetak are available.

During the late 1940s, the mean sedimentation

rate of Halimeda at Bikini was estimated at 3.8 mm/yr (Em54).

If this

Several studies are in progress at the Atoll that require data

on concentrations in lagoon water so that the number of samples and the
locations sampled are predicated by the current program requirements,
£ 2394240

sedimentation rate is applicable toa Enewetak Atoll, approximatley 1 Ci

Contours o

of 2394240, is deposited annually in the sediments in association with

distribution patterns (No74)

Halimeda detritus.

This quantity represents only 0.4% of the surface

Pu concentrations in the water show complex
in various regions of the lagoon,



Spatial patterns of surface and botton 23942405, concentrations in

sediment inventory and yet a smaller fraction of the total inventory in

solution and in association with filterable material are verv different

the sediment column,

as are the 2385 239240), ratios in the water mass.

However, if the life span of each plant is l yr,

A detailed

for example, a quantity of 2394240 Pu equivalent to half the present

discussion of the plutonium levels in the pelegic environment of the

sediment inventory, or 125 Ci, could be recycled with the algae in

lagoon is in preparation (No78b).

approximately 175 yr.

the analysis of lagoon water samples collected since 1972 with

Spies et al.

(Sp78) demonstrated that when live

Instead of relating all results fron

Halimeda from Enewetak were cleaned and treated with 1N acetic acid, the

hydrological, seasonal, or spatial factors, we will suriarize sore of

acid soluble fraction, or the carbonate material, contained 58% of the

the data that is related to remobilization and redistribution of

total 239240.


Pu, while 42% remained bound to the plant tissues.

plant decomposes after death,

As the

the organic material and associated

radioelements are released to the environment leaving the skeletal

In 1972, 1974, and 1976 a suffictent number of water samples from
the lagoon were analyscd for 23942 A Pu to permit an estinate of mean




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