ne 649 film data, especially at the closer stations, gave ancralous
results after corrections. At some stations the fast-neutron correction
was greater than the uncorrected gamma dose.
This msy be dus to an error
in the fast-neutron correction factor, but more likely it is die to doserate dependence.
The 649 film provided much better data at more distant
stations where the dose rate was lower, although the neutron-cor
factors were the same.
Some dosimeters were exposed in nylon o
nylon screw-type plugs.
The thermal-neutron flux inside
trese nylon
shields was gererally higher than the thermal-neutron flux outside the
shield by a factor of 2.2.
This is taken into account in correcting the
data obtained in nylon shields.
(U) The neutron data were obtained by USANDL and reporteé in Reference
Neutron and gamma data were obtained at the same stations.
Some of
the neutron data points are far removed from the smooth curve of the ROP
versus D plots.
The make-up of the stations may have caused this deviation.
The neutron data used are the actual data obtained at each station.
(U) The gamma data are presented in Tables 3.121 thru 3.124.
of gamme-dose-times-slant-range-squared versus slant-range are

Figures 3-98 thru 3,93,



(U)} Operation Fish Bowl: was conducted at the Johnson Island Test Area
during the summer and fall of 1962.
The operation consisted of ten highaltitude detonztions, five of which achieved a nuclear yield.

informstion is presented in Table 3.125.

(U) Gamma measurements were made by USANDL (Reference 64),

The main

detectors were film in NBS holders, silver—phosphate-glass microdosimeters,
and cobalt plates.
The gamma instrumentation was contained in three recoverable pods for each shot.
The pods were attached to the lauren vehicle
and released at the proper time during the early part of the trajectory. to
place them at various distances from the detonation point. Tre three gamra
instrument packages per pod were placed at the center of the rod and were
surroundéd by various objects and cushioning.
Some of the cotalt plates
were placed in the neutron-detector packages which were placec at the rear
bulkhead and presumably were so oriented that they looxed d irestly
irectly atat
the burst.
The cobalt plates in the neutron package recordei less dose
than that recorded by the cobalt plates in the gamma package.
The greater


Select target paragraph3