shielding arourd the gamma package would indicate that the reverse should

be true.
However, much of the shielding was 2 high-hydrogen-content cushioning.
This material may have therm2lized seme of the fast neutrons
and provided a higher thermal-neutron flux at the gamma pack=ge than at
the neutron package.
Since the cobalt plates are highly thermal-neutronsensitive, this thermalization effect may have been the cause of the
discrepancy in the readings.

(U) Neutron measurements were made by the USANDL (Reference 65).


thermal-neutron-flux values are given because of the doudtfulness of the
validity of the small differences between the cadmium-shielded and the
unsnielded gold detectors.

(U) Since the thermal-neutron-flux values are not available, and the

effects of the difference in the positioning of the neutron and gamma
packages in the pods and the effects of the shielding material are not
known,the gamma results have not been corrected for neutron and shielding
The uncorrected gamma results are vresented in Tables 3,126,
3.127, and 3.128 and the curves of gamma-dose-times-slant-range-squsrel

versus slant-range are shown in Figures 3.34, 2.95 ard 3.96.


Select target paragraph3