(U) Neutron data were obtained by CWL- for Shots Fig, Hamilton, and
Humboldt, and reported in Reference 62.
(U) The gamma and neutron data for Shots Lea, Mora, and Socorro were

obtained by ORNL and reported in Reference 63.
The gamma dosimeters
exposed were tetrachloroethylene chemical dosimeters and AgPO, glass rods

in the ORNL aluminum "Beer Mug" shield including natural lithium shielding.
The gamma 2nd neutron data were presented as "normalized" data for Shots

X, Y, and Z (Lea, Mora, and Socorro).

The appendix to Reference 63 provides

the clues necessary to correct the normalized data to actual data for the

actual shot. The "scale factors" reported for the neutron data were incorrect. & private communication (Reference 64) from the authors of the
report states that the reciprocal’ of the neutron "scale factors" should

be used.

(JU) The gamma data are presented in Tables 3.113 thru 3.113.


of gamma-dose-times-slant-range-sguared versus slaint-rance are snown in

Figures 3.22 thru 3.87.


(U) Cceration Sun Beam was conducted at NTS in July 1962.

The opera-

tion consisted of four shots of small-ylield weapons close to the ground.
A summary of the shot information is given in Table 3.119, and the meteorological conditions at shot time are presented in Table

(JU) Tre USANDL measured the initial gamma dose for the four shots

(Reference 11).
The detectors used were film in NBS holders, glass micrcdosimeters in tin-tantalum-teflon holders, cobalt-glass plstes, calcium
fluoride thermoluminescent dosimeters, and formic-acid chemical dosimeters.
The formic-acid dosimeters yielded no usable data and the thermoluminescen
dosimeters were generally lower by a factor of three as compared to the
other three dosimeter systems.
Only a few thermoluminescent dosimeters
were exposed, and the results are not presented in this compilation.
dosimeters were exposed mainly in steel pipe nipples which were attached
to pull-out recovery lines.
No residual radiation corrections are necessary
in view of the early recovery of all dosimeters.
Protection from thermal
neutrons wes, in many cases, provided by a shield of lithium-6.
The cobsait
plates which were not protected by Li yielded cata which are suspect
Since the thermal-neutron correction is very large and not accurately known.


Select target paragraph3